Last update: 1st April 2011 (added #26: System Monitor) #1: MUI Settings - Lamp IconSet the date to 1st April and then open MUI Settings, and look at Lamp icon. vs on 1st April. #2: About MorphOSOpen the MorphOS Aboutbox while pressing Alt key. #3: USB Preferences - Message LogOpen USB preferences and look at Message Log, some funny messages are there. Example: usb.log. #4: ButterflyIn the MorphOS Aboutbox: the butterfly reacts on left mouse button clicks... who knows what happens when one clicks many times. #5: Pig Invasion Blanker: Crazy PigSometimes a crazy pig flys supine or does other crazy things. #6: Pantheon.mccPantheon.mcc can be launched directly by doubleclicking it in MOSSYS:Classes/MUI.
#7: MorphOS Installation Builder's ThoughtsBienvenue, the MorphOS Installation Welcome Screen, can be launched directly in MOSSYS:Data/Bienvenue. If one waits long enough the thoughts of the little builder fellows start to appear on the screen. #8: The Missing QBoxThe "Tips" utility (SYS:Utilities/Tips) is actually the QBox (aka: Question Box). It's a funny reference to the mythical MorphOS QBox people dream so much about. :) #9: Crazy EyesThe little QBox in SYS:Utilities/Tips follows the mouse pointer with the eyes and sometimes does other nasty stuff like scratching its bottom. :) #10: Secret Shuffle LevelThere is a hint how to unlock a secret Shuffle level in the Shuffle icon's tooltypes. #11: MUI Preferences String IconIn the icon of the String page one can read the signature of one of the MorphOS graphic artists (André Siegel). #12: Merry X-Mas ClockOpen System Preferences / Time on 24th or 25th December and the clock shows up in solemn look.
#13: New Year ClockOpen System Preferences / Time on 31th December or 1st January and the clock shows up in party look. #14: Tips from Ralph SchmidtIn MOSSYS:Data/Tips there are extra Tips files. Doubleclicking on enlightens you with wisdom by laire (Ralph Schmidt, the father of MorphOS). #15: SFS AmbulanceSFSDoctor has a custom logo in it's Aboutbox showing an Ambulance car. #16: powerpc.library Version Tag RantThe embedded version ID of powerpc.library (WarpOS-Emulation) says 'lowerpc' expressing its author's opinion about WarpOS in a subtle way. To show the version ID type following in a Shell:
#17: Day and NightWhen booting the MorphOS Boot CD the Welcome Screen appears according to the time of the day. If you boot late in the night it's dark, if you boot in the morning the sun rises and if you boot in the evening the sun sets in the picture. #18: Tips from tokaiIn MOSSYS:Data/Tips there are extra Tips files. Doubleclicking on enlightens you with wisdom by tokai (Christian Rosentreter). #19: Tips from ConfuciusIn MOSSYS:Data/Tips there are extra Tips files. Doubleclicking on enlightens you with wisdom by Confucius (Chinese thinker and social philosopher). There is also a spanish version. #20: SkinConfig FilesThere is a fun stuff in most SkinConfig files (in MOSSYS:Prefs/Skins/).
#21: Funny USB DevicesSet the date to 1st April and then open USB Settings, plug in many USB devices,
click on "All offline" and "All Online" and look at device names.
You will be surprised, what devices are connected.
#22: Warp3D - Show Me The TruthType following in a Shell: setenv GOA3D_SHOWMETHETRUTH 1 and then start a Warp3D program.
#23: MUI Settings - Lamp Icon 2Set the date to 21st April and then open MUI Settings, and look at Lamp icon. vs on 21st April. #24: MUI Settings - Lamp Icon 3Set the date to 24th or 25th or 26th December and then open MUI Settings, and look at Lamp icon. vs on 24-26th December. #25: I Want The Blue PillType following in a Shell: setenv I_WANT_THE_BLUE_PILL 1 and then open MUI Settings, and look at Lamp settings :)
#26: System MonitorSet the date to 1st April and open System Monitor (Ambient menu Utilites),
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