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Program CPUReleased LicenceHP Description
aahr 1.0PPC25.06.2008Freeware AHX and HVL ripper
Abandoned Bricks 1.12PPC23.02.2006OpenSourceHPSDL cross-platform tetris-like game
AbkViewer 0.0.6PPC31.03.2012FreewareHPAMOS sprite and icon bank viewer for MorphOS and AROS.
Abombniball 0.2bPPC18.08.2006OpenSource defuse bombs before they explode
Absolon PPC02.09.1998FreewareHP3D demo, Venus Art + Madwizards, Gravity 1998 (3.)
Abuse 1.368k09.07.1998Commercial Jump'n'Run, requires AbuseBase-1.3.lha and Abuse PC data
Ace Of Hearts demoPPC CommercialHPA thrilling mixture of slot machine and classic poker game.
AceyDucey 3.1PPC
21.03.2012FreewareHPDies ist eine Nachahmung des Acey Ducey Kartenspiels. Im Spiel teilt der Geber (Computer) 2 Karten offen aus. Du kannst wahlen, ob du wetten willst oder nicht wetten willst, je nach dem Gefuhl, ob die nachste Karte (Karte Mitte) einen Wert zwischen den ersten beiden haben wird. Du kannst die Karte in der Mitte durch anklicken umdrehen und erfahren ob du gewonnen hast.
Acuario 1.75bPPC
26.09.2008FreewareHPAcuario Screen Saver, 1.76 2009-02-12 was deleted from homepage
Addtraction 0.001PPC15.02.2006OpenSourceHPnumbers-based board game
Adventure Operation Sirius 1.0PPC27.02.2011SharewareHPOperation Sirius is a Point & Click Adventure Game in German. Taran - our hero - fights against the evil pirats in the galaxy. Complete the mission - find the home planet and his father.
Africa 1.45PPC12.09.2017FreewareHPconversion of 3W board game
aften 0.0.8PPC22.01.2009OpenSourceHPA/52 (AC3) audio encoder
Agenda PPC
25.11.2005Freeware nice and easy address & phone book
AHI 6.0PPC26.06.2006MorphOSHPretargetable audio subsystem
AHIRNG 1.2PPC01.03.2012OpenSource Audio Hardware Interface Random Number Generator is a tool to generate REAL random number from a soundcard
AHXPlay 7.2PPC30.12.2005Freeware AHX player library for AminetRadio
aifc2wav 5PPC22.07.2007FreewareHPconvert IMA4, SOWT and SDX2, AIFC to WAV
aiff.demuxer 51.7PPC06.08.2008FreewareHPReggae demultiplexer for Audio IFF uncompressed (AIFF) and compressed (AIFC) sound files, update for Reggae-D (MorphOS 2.1 - v51.6)
Air Crash Manager 0.268k13.06.1996Freeware Kennedy Approach like ATC game (simple graphics)
Airline Tycoon DLX PPC16.02.2007CommercialHPfunny economy simulation proceeding in realtime and assigning you the complete responsibility for an airline
Airstrike 1.0pre6PPC19.02.2005OpenSourceHP2d dogfighting game
06.01.2008FreewareHPAdvanced CLI commands for OS V33-50
akFAXX-dt 45.65PPC
05.08.2007DonationwareHPIFF-FAXX datatype
akGIF-dt 45.9568k31.12.2008DonationwareHPGIF datatype (45.95, removed PowerPC MorphOS support, redundant datatype, there are more frequent MOS updates)
akJFIF-dt 45.9568k31.12.2008DonationwareHPJPEG datatype (45.95, removed PowerPC MorphOS support, redundant datatype, there are more frequent MOS updates)
akLJPG-dt 45.70PPC
05.08.2007DonationwareHPLJPG datatype
akNAIL-dt 45.70PPC
05.08.2007DonationwareHPIFF-NAIL datatype
akPNG-dt 45.9568k31.12.2008DonationwareHPPNG datatype (45.95, removed PowerPC MorphOS support, redundant datatype, there are more frequent MOS updates)
akSVG-dt 45.91PPC
18.03.2008DonationwareHPSVG (SView Graphics) datatype
akTIFF-dt 45.9568k31.12.2008DonationwareHPTIFF datatype (45.95, removed PowerPC MorphOS support, redundant datatype, there are more frequent MOS updates)
AlarmClock 1.5PPC05.10.2006Freeware nice full screen alarm clock, MP3 alarm
AlephOne 2005-01-18PPC05.10.2005OpenSourceHP3D first person shooter game, based on the game Marathon 2
ALI 2.2PPC06.03.2012OpenSource AmIRC Log Inspector
Alien Breed Obliteration 13.11.2010OpenSourceHPAlien Breed remake, req. Python/Pygame, see AlienBreed SDL/Pygame on MorphOS
Alien Breed 3D II 68k OpenSourceHP3D action game (RTG patch)
AlienBlaster 1.1.0PPC18.02.2006OpenSourceHPshoot them up, 2 players
Aliens versus Predator 1.00PPC13.10.2013OpenSourceHPSci-Fi first-person 3D shooter. To play this game you need to original PC version of either Gold Edition or Classic 2000 Edition. I recommend the Classic 2000 Edition since it can still be bought of Steam and features background music while playing the game
Alladin 4D 68k CommercialHPraytracing program
AllKeys 2.3PPC31.10.2008FreewareHPtool that lets you use all mapped rawkeys including MultiMedia-keys in your system
AMarquee 54.068k04.05.2002Freeware V54.0 TCP Data Broadcast System (library and server)
Ambient 1.43 nightlyPPC08.06.2008OpenSourceHPMorphOS desktop (daily build, no debug output, smaller, faster), req. MUI 4.0, MorphOS 1.4.5 update
Ambient 1.43 nightly debugPPC08.06.2008OpenSourceHPMorphOS desktop (daily build, debug output), req. MUI 4.0
AmFTP 1.9168k18.09.2000Shareware ftp/Archie/ADT/ADT-Find Client, uses MUI
AmiArcadia 26.8PPC22.09.2020OpenSourceHPSignetics-based machines emulator
AmiATLAS 6.6068k CommercialHPcomfortable route calculation program
AmiBlitz3 3.31 RC268k20.05.2009Freeware programming language for AmigaOS 3.x, AmigaOS 4.x and MorphOS. BlitzBasic2 successor, many improvements: direct FPU support and more optimizations, TK_Includes (Thilo Koehler) = functions for GUI design, 2D/3D graphics, AHI sound support a streaming, TCP-IP, etc.
AmiBrixx PPC22.05.2005Freeware logical game
AmiCamedia 68k CommercialHPtransfer pictures from a digital camera
AmiCDFS 2.4068k21.12.1997Freeware ultimate Amiga CD-ROM Filing System
AmiCDROM PPC13.09.2005Freeware CDROM disk filesystem (ISO-9660+RR+HFS)
AmiDiction 3.468k28.08.2006FreewareHPonline dictionary
AmiElvis 1.568k08.04.1992OpenSource text editor, Unix vi/ex clone
Amifish 1.204PPC
21.06.2008FreewareHPquick and easy interface for Babelfish
Amiga Notes 22.01.2018FreewareHPdocument contains various notes, tips and proposals for Amiga programmers and users, and lists of known bugs and workarounds for various software
AmigaAMP 2.22PPC
30.07.2009FreewareHPmusic player (MP3), WinAMP clone, PowerPC decoder: AmigaAMP-Decoder-WUP, AmigaAMP-Decoder-PUP
AmigaE 3.3a68k28.10.1997FreewareHPthe Amiga E v3.3a distribution
AmigaGuideDT 50.1PPC17.02.2006Freeware Amiga guide datatype
AmigaMARK 1.2PPC20.03.2015OpenSourceHPbenchmark: CPU, memory, disk
AmigaMARK LPA 2003 1.002 UpdatePPC29.03.2009Freeware AmigaMARK update, fixed network-access for morphos 2.x
AmigaPython 2.068k31.10.2000OpenSource Python language 2.0 (patch 2.01)
AmigaWriter 2.20 DemoPPC
23.08.2000CommercialHPDTP program, compatible with MS Word documents
AmigaZeux library pack PPC01.10.2006FreewareHPlibrary pack needed for a couple of amigazeux applications and programs
AmiGG 0.43.114PPC07.05.2006FreewareHPInstant Messenger Application, Gadu-Gadu protocol, 2009: replaced with new project BrainWasher (more IM protocols)
AMIGIFT 2.168k07.05.2010OpenSourceHPpeer-to-peer filesharing application which connect to several networks at once by using plug-ins, it includes a full-featured Graphical User Interface, made using MUI
AmiGOD 2 Beta68k15.06.2003FreewareHPbenchmark CPU 68k, 2D graphics, intution, beta hdd/mem (MorphOS 1.x compatible)
AmiGOD 2 ReloadedPPC01.07.2004FreewareHPPegasos information (board, CPU, cache and details)
AmiChess 2.1PPC19.01.2004OpenSource chess
AmiMemos 0.8068k21.05.2003Freeware a memo utility
AminetRadio 4.1PPC
09.10.2005FreewareHPmusic player (MP3, shoutcast streams, ...)
AmiPodder 1.768k16.09.2007FreewareHPsubscribing and listening to podcasts
AmIRC 3.6.2 MorphOSPPC24.12.2015FreewareHPIRC client
AmiScrobbler 0.0.2aPPC11.04.2004Freeware Audioscrobbler plugin for AmigaAMP
AmiSSL 3.668k25.02.2006OpenSourceHPAmiSSL is an Amiga port of OpenSSL. It is a library that makes it possible for Amiga programmers to write programs that use SSL (for example, web browser authors would use it to add support for HTTPS protocol).
AmiSSL 2.268k01.11.2005OpenSourceHPAmiSSL is an Amiga port of OpenSSL. It is a library that makes it possible for Amiga programmers to write programs that use SSL (for example, web browser authors would use it to add support for HTTPS protocol).
AmiSSL 1.168k21.07.2001OpenSourceHPAmiSSL is an Amiga port of OpenSSL. It is a library that makes it possible for Amiga programmers to write programs that use SSL (for example, web browser authors would use it to add support for HTTPS protocol).
AmithlonTV Beta 34968k23.10.2003Freeware special driver packet that allow to use TV cards with Amiga like systems
AmiTradeCenter 1.468k02.11.2003FreewareHPpowerful FTP-Client with ADT support, MUI
Amoebax 0.2.0PPC19.08.2007OpenSourceHPpuzzle game
AmokED 1.3068k12.10.1992Freeware text editor based on DME
Amore 0.10PPC02.07.2006Freeware displays ASCII, Wordworth, PDB documents
amossound.demuxer 51.1PPC25.05.2009FreewareHPA Reggae audio demultiplexer for AMOS sample banks. Creates multiple output ports, one per every sample contained in a bank. Cooperates with audiopcm.decoder.
AMP 2 BetaPPC13.07.2006Shareware AmiDog's Movie Player 2
amrenc 6.1.0PPC18.01.2008OpenSource 3GPP AMR encoder for Nokia phones
AmRSS 5.57 MUI4PPC30.01.2008FreewareHPRSS client
AmRSS 5.57 MUI4LightPPC30.01.2008FreewareHPRSS client
AmTagEd 1.7568k26.06.1999Cardware MPEG audio ID3 tag editor
AmTelnet 2.268k22.11.1999Freeware GUI telnet client
Anagramarama 0.1PPC09.11.2003OpenSourceHPlogical game
Analysis and Optimization of Code with sim_G4plus on Genesi Pegasos II 01.09.2004FreewareHPAN2750 : Analysis and Optimization of Code with sim_G4plus on Genesi Pegasos II (PDF, 20 pages, english)
Angband 3.0.6PPC21.07.2006FreewareHPRogue like roleplaying game
Anim2Gif 68k24.05.2004Cardware Converts/scale Amiga anim to a gif anim
Another Dream Away PPC FreewareHP3D demo, Madwizards, Slach 2002 (1.)
Another Pool 0.982PPC21.04.2005OpenSourceHPsimple SDL pool game
Another Pool GL 0.99-pre22PPC30.08.2005OpenSourceHP3D/GL/SDL pool game
AnsiRead 0.268k10.10.1990Shareware displays ANSI text and graphic anims
Antiword 0.37PPC15.11.2005FreewareHPconvert Word docs (6, 7, 97, 2000 and 2002) to plain text, PS, PDF, XML
Anubis 2.0.0PPC09.05.2002Freeware anonymous EMail Sender
Apache 1.3.41PPC03.03.2009OpenSourceHPHTTP server
Apache PHP 1.3.41PPC03.03.2009OpenSourceHPHTTP server with PHP 4.4.9
Apdf 3.4PPC30.10.2010MorphOS PDF document viewer
APooler 1.0aPPC27.08.2006Freeware simple utility to reduce memory fragmentation
Appenddate 1.4PPC25.12.2012OpenSourceHPappend dates to file and directory names
April 1.5PPC09.08.2006FreewareHPsn attractive, fully configurable desktop calendar and organiser for MorphOS
Aqua 1.1PPC
17.02.2007FreewareHPadventure game, Myst style, Aqua_2.lha, Aqua_3.lha, Aqua_4.lha, aquafix.lha - fixed Aqua executable for those that previously downloaded Aqua from the SuperBundle
ARead 2.168k12.04.1998Freeware small text reader made especially for reading small textfiles
Armagetron Tron clone
AROS Demos PPC04.04.2004OpenSource Small games and demos ported from AROS
ArtEffect 4.0 DemoPPC23.08.2000CommercialHPgraphics program
ArTKanoid 3.068k24.09.2005FreewareHPBreak Out/Arkanoid clone for the WB screen
ASB 0.4PPC18.01.2008OpenSource arcade game inspired by Air Sea Battle for Atari 2600
asciitable 1.1PPC01.03.2012OpenSource print out the ascii-table in diffent modes
ascii2jascii 1.1mPPC
16.08.2006Freeware convert ASCII to Japanese ASCII
Ask Me Up 1.1.1PPC CommercialHPAsk Me Up is a video game about general knowledge.
ASokoban 2.468k05.07.1995Freeware sokoban
ASp 0.89b68k23.07.2007FreewareHPSinclair ZX Spectrum emulator
asp2php 0.77.3PPC13.01.2007OpenSource ASP to PHP converter
AssignToy 2.368k07.01.2007Freeware Logical Device Manager, req. royalbridge, rxmui
AsteroidsTR 1.4PPC
24.09.2005FreewareHPAsteroids Clone
Atakks 1.0PPC05.03.2008OpenSourceHPOthello-like clone for one or two players (screenshot)
Atari800 2.0.3PPC22.07.2007OpenSourceHPAtari 800/800XL/130XE/5200 emulator
AThrust 0.83c2PPC09.07.2005OpenSource C64 game Thrust remake
Attach 1.068k18.05.2003Freeware shell Command which allows You to continue with interupted large file copying
Audio Evolution 4 4.0.23PPC FreewareHPAffordable and easy multitrack audio recording software
audio.output 51.11PPC15.05.2009FreewareHPA Reggae component responsible of audio playback via AHI
Audithec 1.0.368k03.08.2006Freeware MUI AudioCD Database
AutoDocReader 1.6.5PPC
21.12.2010FreewareHPviewer for autodocs, header C and other text file
AutoSync 1.068k24.02.2009OpenSource shell command, that synchronizes two directories (and subs)
Autotrace 0.31.1PPC11.09.2004OpenSource Converts bitmap to vector graphics
AWeb 3.5.11PPC12.03.2014OpenSource web browser, supports JavaScript, SSL, frames, ...
AWeb MAX 3.5.07bPPC15.12.2005OpenSourceHPweb browser, MAX snapshots differ from the official Aweb releases by being easier to install and coming with a convient default configuration
BackMan 2.0PPC23.03.2004OpenSourceHPthe backup system
Badger PPC
05.04.2005FreewareHPBadger Badger Badger ... snake!
Bageln - a small number game 1.0PPC18.03.2011FreewareHPNumbers Game BAGELN Creative Computing Morristown, New Jersey the USA In this game the computer chooses a secret three-digit number with the figures 0 to 9, and you must try to guess them. Unfortunately, you have only 9 attempts ! No number is found repeated. After every rate attempt the computer gives you indications in the following way: PICO a number is correct, but on the wrong place FERMI a number is on the correct place BAGELN no number is correct.
Ballfield PPC22.06.2005OpenSource Ballfield SDL demo
banner 1.3.1PPC18.10.2004FreewareHPprints a short string to the console in very large letters
BareED 0.999468k26.05.2008Freeware text editor supporting proportional fonts
Barkanoid II DemoPPC CommercialHParkanoid
Barrage 1.0.1PPC04.12.2005OpenSourceHPviolent action game with the objective to kill and destroy as many targets as possible within 3 minutes
Basilisk II 1.1PPC31.07.2007OpenSourceHP68k Macintosh Emulator for MorphOS
basSkin PPC06.04.2004Freeware MorphOS skin
Battle For Wesnoth 1.8PPC09.04.2010OpenSourceHPfantasy strategy
BattleDuel 1.7.11068k02.01.2006FreewareHPartillery game, req. BattleDuel 1.7.105
BattlePong Beta 3PPC20.04.2005OpenSourceHPping pong
BattleSheep 68k02.09.1995Freeware sink ships (paper game)
BattleSquadron DemoPPC29.06.2016CommercialHPBattle Squadron is a vertically scrolling shooter for the Amiga computer platform.
BDEditor PPC Commercial czech DTP program
Beats of Rage 1.0029PPC20.07.2005OpenSourceHParcade game, req. data from HP
BeeHive 0.2PPC04.03.2007Freeware BitTorrent klient, MUI GUI
Bermuda Syndrome 0.1.3PPC14.04.2008OpenSourceHPre-implementation of the engine used in the game Bermuda Syndrome made by Century Interactive and published by BMG in 1995, the original data files are required (retail or demo versions)
Berusky 1.7PPC01.10.2014OpenSourceHPBerusky is a free logic game, published under GNU Public License and it's based on an ancient puzzle named Sokoban. An old idea of moving boxes in a maze has been expanded with new logic items such as explosives, stones, special gates and so on. In addition, up to five bugs can cooperate and be controlled by the player.
Bftpd 1.9PPC02.06.2007OpenSource Bftpd program is a small, easy-to-configure FTP server.
bgui 41.1168k13.05.2000Freeware GUI library (f.e. FileMaster)
BHFormat 43.7PPC04.07.2008OpenSourceHPNSD-aware Format command with source, BH Format is intended to be a compatible replacement for Format under various operating systems of Amiga family with important additions
Bid For Power 1.2PPC21.08.2005FreewareHP3D action game, Quake III MOD (total conversion)
Binary Clock 0.5PPC23.10.2004OpenSource A fully portable tiny app outputting the current time to STDOUT, in a format similar to that of the binary LED-clock available from ThinkGeek.
Biniax1 1.2PPC03.02.2008OpenSourceHPoriginal and unique arcade logic game
Biniax2 1.20PPC03.02.2008OpenSourceHPBiniax-2 is the successor of Biniax, has three game modes (two singleplayer and one multiplayer), hall of fame, dynamic music and nice cartoon look
BinToC 2.13PPC
28.05.2006FreewareHPbinary to C source converter
bin2c 1.1PPC21.10.2004FreewareHPconverts any kind of binary data into c source
BirdieShoot PPC06.02.2003MorphOSHParcade game, shoot birds (Moorhuhn)
Bison 2.3PPC28.12.2006OpenSourceHPGNU Bison - parser generator
BiteFusion 1.0.0PPC23.07.2006OpenSourceHPa snake game, 8 levels
BitTorrent 4.3.6PPC26.01.2006FreewareHPcommandline based BitTorrent client
BlackJack 268k02.09.1995Freeware Blackjack card game
Blacks Editor 1.1a68k04.12.1997Shareware text editor
Blanky 1.9PPC03.02.2006FreewareHPMorphOS DPMS blanker cx
Blaster Bastards 0.75 BetaPPC28.01.2007FreewareHPMaster Blaster clone
Blender 2.62.172PPC25.02.2012OpenSourceHP3D modeler, raytracing, video editor
Bloboats 1.0.1-2PPC02.09.2006OpenSourceHParcade-like boat racing game
BlobTrix 1.3.1PPC03.10.2005OpenSourceHPmultiplayer Tetris clone
BlobWars 1.10PPC21.02.2009OpenSourceHPnice platform game with over 25 missions
Block 2.05PPC
11.01.2004FreewareHPsplit and join files
Block Atack 1.1.0PPC22.06.2005FreewareHPa clone of Tetris Attack
Block Rage 0.2.1PPC21.09.2005OpenSourceHPadjust falling blocks
BlowFish 0.1PPC01.01.2006Freeware encrypt / decrypt your data
Blue Space Ninja 2.01PPC12.03.2005Freeware MorphOS skin
BlueCadillac PPC03.03.2007Freeware MorphOS skin
Bluechrome PPC06.06.2004Freeware MorphOS skin
BOFH: Servers Under Siege 1.5PPC01.05.2005OpenSourceHP2D shooter
Bochs 2.3.6PPC31.12.2007OpenSourceHPBochs is an open source x86 emulator
Bochs 2.6 MorphOS Ver. 1PPC07.04.2013OpenSourceHPBochs is an open source x86 emulator
Bochs GUI 0.1bPPC05.02.2006Freeware x86 emulator Bochs GUI
Boing Icon Bar 1.0PPC23.07.2011Freeware an icon toolbar with animation of bouncing icons
Bolcataxian 1.01PPC28.11.2005Freeware vertical shoot em up
Bolcatoid 0.963PPC16.11.2004Freeware Arkanoid clone
Bomber PPC08.06.2006Freeware bomberman
Bonnie PPC04.12.2006OpenSource I/O benchmark program, Unix port
BootCreator 1.2PPC25.01.2007OpenSource create a nice and easy to use bootmenu for Pegasos, Efika
Boulder Dash 5.2368k06.01.2006FreewareHPBoulder Dash
Boum 1.268k26.11.1999Freeware mine clone
Bourriquet Emule client
Boxeux PPC04.07.2006FreewareHPplugin for players with AmigaAMP plugin interface (AmiNetRadio)
Boy by Fit PPC08.06.2008FreewareHPwinning demo from Icons 2008, Fit
bsdmainutils 6.0.17PPC01.03.2005OpenSourceHPa collection of utilities from FreeBSD distribution, MorphOS binaries
Bugsquish 0.0.6PPC20.07.2005OpenSourceHPSquish bloodthirsty bugs with your fly swatter
BurnIT 2.65 Demo68k12.02.2000Shareware tool for burning CDs
BX-GL1 PPC FreewareHPdemo, Bluebox Cinematique GmbH, Fyanica 2005 (1.)
By Night PPC FreewareHPdemo, Encore, Symphony 2003 (1.)
byacc 1.9 20070509PPC16.11.2007OpenSourceHPBerkeley Yacc (yet another compiler-compiler), an LALR(1) parser generator
BZip2 1.0.5PPC17.02.2009OpenSourceHPbzip2 data compressor
cabextract 1.2PPC23.12.2007OpenSourceHPA program to extract Microsoft Cabinet files (.CAB)
CaBoom 1.568k20.12.1996OpenSource Windows explode on opening/closing
Cairo 3.0PPC05.04.2010OpenSourceHPCairo 2D graphics library
CalcDeluxe 2.068k10.07.1995Freeware scientific calculator, with graphics
Calculator 1.1PPC
02.03.2006Freeware replacement for removed MorphOS Calculator, gadtools based
Calimero 2.0PPC17.01.2016Freeware A DTP Program
Candy PPC26.03.2005Freeware MorphOS skin
Candy Factory Pro 1.02PPC
24.11.1998Commercial graphic program: create your logo, title or other graphical stuff within seconds
CanonToolBox 1.3PPC01.03.2012OpenSourceHPtool to play with digicams from Canon via USB/PTP
Carbonix PPC30.10.2005Freeware MorphOS skin
CatchHit Nov 2008 PPC06.11.2008FreewareHPMorphOS hit interceptor
CatTrap 1.468k18.08.1997Freeware push blocks and trap the cats
Catweasel driver 20120331PPC31.03.2012OpenSourceHPMorphOS: catweasel.device, catweaselsid.device, SuperDiskImage
CD Player 2.1PPC17.01.2006FreewareHPCD Player, CDDA Ripper, Eject, BlankCD, CDSpeed tool
CDCat 3.0PPC
21.02.1999Shareware CD/HDD cataloger (morphos patch - lost link)
C-Dogs 0.3PPC12.09.2006OpenSourceHP1 or 2 player Shoot'em up
CDSpeedKiller 1.0PPC03.10.2003Freeware set speed of your CD/DVD Drive
CDVDFS 1.4PPC17.06.2007OpenSourceHPCDROM filesystem
CGXBootPics PPC01.07.2004Freeware MorphOS (CGX) boot pictures
Cinema 4D 68k Commercial raytracing program
Cinnamon Writer 0.90 betaPPC05.05.2013FreewareHPword processor, DocX support
CircusLinux 1.0.3PPC17.10.2003OpenSourceHPmove a teeter-totter back and forth across the screen to bounce clowns up into the air
climm 0.6.3PPC07.09.2008OpenSourceHPvery portable text-mode ICQ clone
Clipo 0.1 beta68k29.01.2009Freeware TCP/IP clipboard exchange
ClockToy 1.20PPC30.01.2005Freeware graphical clock
Clonck 1.1PPC07.04.2005FreewareHPan attractive, fully configurable analogue desktop clock
CloneCollect 1.7PPC01.03.2012OpenSource collects files with same attributes, GUI
CLS Pong PPC01.09.2005OpenSource ping pong
CManager 34.3PPC03.02.2006Shareware centralised system-wide address book
cmatrix 1.2aPPC09.01.2005FreewareHPShow a scrolling 'Matrix' screen, req. MorphOS SDK (GeegGadgets)
Cmp 40.6PPC
11.01.2004FreewareHPcompare two binary files and print the difference
CodeAudio 3.0168k02.08.2009FreewareHPGUI 4 Lame,Ogg,Flac,Faad and many other audio tools (replaces TheMPegEncGUI)
Codesets 6.9PPC
21.03.2015OpenSourceHPhandles codesets and character conversions (i.e. ISO-8859-1, UTF-8, etc.)
Concentration 1.2PPC31.01.2006OpenSource logical game
ConDios 1.168k31.12.1998Freeware FAST ANSI text/gfx/anim viewer
Connect4 0.5PPC29.11.2005OpenSource Connect 4 game using MUI
Conquest 1.2.1PPC18.09.2005Freeware ASCII game
contrib_ghostscript 1.1268k07.07.2011OpenSourceHPinstaller script for latest Ghostscript 8.60
CoolCow 1.0PPC04.04.2012OpenSource Reduces heating of processor caused by client by switching it off and on periodically. Useful especially for Macs mini and PowerBooks, where fans get very noisy under heavy CPU load. MUI based interface. Written by Grzegorz Kraszewski. Source code included.
CopyIcon 0.9PPC23.01.2003Freeware change Icons with Tooltypes, Stack size, etc.
CopyToClip 2.0PPC23.01.2009FreewareHPcopy filename from Ambient to clipboard
cpio 2.9PPC23.02.2008OpenSourceHPGNU utility to copy to/from archives, req. MorphOS SDK (i.e. GeekGadgets)
CPU Monitor 1.4PPC18.06.2004FreewareHPshows CPU usage statistic
CPUGauge 1.4PPC11.09.2009FreewareHPscreenbar plugin for MorphOS and displays the current CPU load as a smooth sliding gauge in the screen title
crc128 1.0PPC01.03.2012OpenSource 32-64-bit functions to calculate 128bit crc-checksums
CRC32 1.0PPC18.01.2004FreewareHPcalculates CRC32 checksums
Crimson Fiels 0.3.8PPC19.01.2004OpenSourceHPBattle Isle like tactical game
CrossFire II 1.03PPC
18.01.2003CommercialHPshot em up (demo-update)
ctags 5.6PPC25.12.2006OpenSourceHPgenerate tag files of source code
CTorrent 1.4.5PPC20.11.2006FreewareHPsimple torrent client
Cube 20.10.2002PPC07.05.2004OpenSourceHP3D action game
Cubic IDE DemoPPC
25.11.2008Commercial Integrated Development Environment for AmigaOS and MorphOS
Cull Bazaar PPC FreewareHP3D demo, Madwizards, Assembly 2001 (11.)
CURL 7.28.1PPC03.02.2013OpenSourceHPport of curl 7.16.0 with SSL-support
CVS 1.12.11PPC02.02.2006FreewareHPCVS (Concurrent Versions System)
CyberGrab 68k Freeware screen grabber with GUI
CyberLemmings 1.1PPC27.08.2003FreewareHPadds pets to your Ambient
CygnusED 4.22PPC
13.12.2003CommercialHPtext editor (MorphOS Patch 4.22 deleted)
CygnusED 5 Demo68k11.06.2006CommercialHPtext editor
Daimonin b4p1PPC13.05.2006OpenSourceHPonline multiplayer fantasy game
DBProHelper PPC12.03.2007FreewareHPInstallHelper 1.0, DigiBoosterLoader 1.1 - programs that allow DigiBoosterPro to be installed and run under MorphOS Pegasos/EFIKA. InstallHelper and DigiBoosterLoader help make DigiBoosterPro work better under MorphOS, in particular with other than Amiga hardware. These programs remove the custom hardware poking, and fix some other bugs making the programs more stable.
Dcraw 8.70PPC08.06.2007Freeware decoding RAW digital photos
DeathTrial PPC16.04.2000FreewareHPdemo, mankind, Ukonx 2000 (1.), patch
Debug 1.1PPC24.07.2008FreewareHPControls Exec debug settings from commandline
Def Icons 28.05.2006Freeware 162 PNG default icons for Ambient 1.43
Defendguin 0.0.11PPC22.03.2006OpenSourceHPDefender clone
Deficons Manager 0.1PPC
21.01.2007OpenSource DefIcons manager for Ambient (ARexx GUI, c:grep req., c:optipng optional)
Defrag 1.6PPC22.11.2008MorphOSHPSFS Defrag Utility
DeliTracker 2.3268k07.08.2000Freeware player for all popular sound program modules available on the Amiga, supports over 150 different module formats
DeliTracker 2.34 Update68k06.01.2002FreewareHPminor DeliTracker 2.32 update
Deli14BitGenie 4.3068k20.02.2000FreewareHPHQ Mixer (DSP, Pan, Filters), supports AHI/Toccata
Deluxe 0.9PPC06.07.2008FreewareHPcommodity to handle Multimedia keys
Deluxe Paint 5.268k11.10.1994CommercialHPbitmap graphics editor
Descent PPC28.06.1999Commercial 3D action game (req. PC game data)
Descent Freespace PPC24.09.2006CommercialHP3D space shooter
Descent Freespace II PPC24.09.2006CommercialHP3D action game (opensource + PC game data)
Descent II 1.2PPC18.09.2005OpenSource 3D space shooter
Devedie 1.1.3PPC14.05.2005FreewareHPMPlayer DVD + MEncoder GUI
DGen 1.23PPC21.08.2002Freeware Sega Megadrive/Genesis emulator
Diamond Girl 0.29PPC20.04.2005FreewareHPBoulder Dash clone
Diamonds 1.2PPC02.03.2008MorphOSHPpuzzle with lots of shiny gems
Diavolo Backup 200068k13.12.1999Shareware backup program
Diavolo Backup 3.8 Pro68k01.05.1997Shareware backup program
Diavolo Backup 2007 Edition PPC06.01.2008FreewareHPbackup program
dicpng 1.1PPC06.03.2012OpenSource dicpng (Data Image Compress) - the compression-ratio is nearly that of LHA, depends on data. Seems to have nice ratios on binaries but bad on text-files
DIEd 2.468k23.10.1990Shareware full screen ANSI text editor
DieserZug 1.368k20.12.1993Freeware snake game
diffstat 1.34PPC18.10.2004OpenSourceHPreads the output of the diff command and displaysa histogram of the insertions, deletions, and modifications in each file
Digger PPC20.04.2005FreewareHParcade game, Boulder dash clone
DigiBooster 3.1 DemoPPC25.09.2014CommercialHPmusic tracker
DigiBooster 3.1PPC25.09.2014CommercialHPmusic tracker
DigiFilter 2.3PPC10.07.2006FreewareHPdesign digital finite impulse response filters
DigiRoller 1.2PPC10.05.2012FreewareHPtool for playing and rendering DBM modules. It uses modern DigiBooster 3 player engine and features user-frienfly MUI user interface
Digital Almanac III 5.8bPPC21.02.2007OpenSource planetarium software, req. ISO CD (393MB)
DIL 1.5PPC01.10.2008Freeware Device Intervation Layer
DIL Dev 1.5PPC09.11.2008Freeware Device Intervation Layer, development archive
Director 1.068k09.04.2008Freeware file manager
DirectoryOpus 4.17 pre2168k26.05.2003OpenSource filemanager
DirectoryOpus 4.18PPC24.07.2008OpenSource filemanager, 64bit DOS support (MorphOS 2.0 or newer)
DirectoryOpus Magellan II 5.8568k08.11.1999CommercialHPdesktop, filemanager
DirSize 2.6PPC
25.09.2008FreewareHPCLI command, calculate directory sizes
DirSSCompare 1.468k06.07.2003Freeware compares two dirs (for differences)
DiskImage 37.768k03.02.2006Freeware mount any disk image file as a DOS device
DiskSpeed 4.10PPC20.03.2006OpenSource DiskSpeed and ScsiSpeed
DisplayInfo 1.0PPC
26.08.2018Freeware Show detailed information about available display modes
Distributed LISP PPC Freeware LISP programming language, shared library
DNetC client, RC5, OGR-NG project support
DOC++ 3.4.10PPC03.12.2004OpenSourceHPdocumentation system for C, C++, IDL and Java generating both TeX output for high quality hardcopies and HTML output
Dodgin' Diamond II 0.2.1PPC17.05.2005OpenSourceHPshot em up, 1 or 2 players
Don Ceferino Hazana 0.95PPC04.06.2005Freeware Pang clone
Don Simon PPC23.11.2003Freeware logical game, Simon
Doom PPC23.09.2003Commercial 3D action game (MOS freeware + PC game data)
Doom II PPC CommercialHP3D action game (MOS freeware + PC game data)
Doors 1.0PPC
24.04.2011FreewareHPIn this cute little game, there are four doors in succession and you must open them to get the prize behind the last one. You have a key ring containing 10 keys numbered 1 to 10 and you have 13 tries to open all four doors. As an added hooker, some keys may open more than one door. If at first you don?t succeed try, try again. The prizes behind the fourth door are well worth the patience in trying to get them all open. Doors was conceived and written by Bill Ingram. The today 2011 graphic version was done by KeHo Software. The game is still Freeware.
DOSBox 0.74-1PPC21.05.2010OpenSourceHPMS DOS emulator (Settlers II on MorphOS! :)
Dose 2 PPC FreewareHPdemo, mfx, Assembly 2001 (5.)
Do'SSi Zo'la 1.0PPC15.11.2005OpenSource logical game
DPoker 1.0b68k08.06.1995Freeware card game, poker
Dragon 1.2PPC24.08.2005FreewareHPscreen dragging
Draw Studio 2.0 demo68k CommercialHPdrawing and illustration program
DrawerBall 1.0gPPC31.07.2011Freeware Directory tool
Dr.Fungi goes Africa PPC18.04.2004OpenSourceHPdemo, FIT
DR2IFF 1.0PPC08.03.2009Freeware convert Amstrad CPC DR file to IFF-ILBM
dt2raw 1.3PPC28.06.2015FreewareHPconverts pictures to RAW dataformats (32bit ARGB, 24bit RGB, ...)
DukeNukem 0.3PPC16.09.2003CommercialHP3D action game (opensource + PC game data)
Dumbbell 1.4PPC17.02.2006OpenSource Nibbler SDL remake
Dune Legacy 0.95PPC05.03.2012OpenSourceHPmodernized clone of the game "Dune II", requires PAK-files from the original
DupFinder 1.068k24.04.1995OpenSource finds even more duplicate files on your HD
DupFinderMUI 2.1PPC18.11.2008FreewareHPfinds duplicate files on your HD
dvdauthor 0.6.14PPC20.01.2009OpenSourceHPset of tools for authoring a DVD (dvdauthor, mpeg2desc, spumux, spuunmux)
DVD-Engine 0.3PPC11.01.2009Freeware creating of video-DVD and picture DVD
dynAMIte 2.368k11.05.2003FreewareHPinternet only Bomberman/Dynablaster clone
D2A 1.1PPC07.07.2005Freeware simple patch that allows one to open DOpus Magellan listers by clicking on Ambients root window
30.05.2004FreewareHP3D, Pong clone, 100 levels
E Compiler X 2.3.1PPC
13.10.2013OpenSourceHPECX, E programming language (MorphOS ELF)
E Compiler X Src 2.3.1PPC
13.10.2013OpenSourceHPECX source code
Earth 2140 1.1PPC03.12.2000CommercialHPstrategy game
EasyFind 2.068k03.09.1997Cardware file finder
Eat The Wistle 3.6PPC30.11.2011OpenSourceHPSensible World Of Soccer
eaudio.device 50.0PPC20.11.2007Freeware Enhanced audio.device solution for MorphOS
Edison 1.068k16.01.2001Freeware patches ISO-image headers from MakeCD/BurnIt
EEC 1.31PPC12.10.2007FreewareHPEEC (ELF Executable Cruncher)
EFIKA 5200B User Manual EN FreewareHPEFIKA 5200B user manual (2 pages, english)
EFIKA 5200B User Manual DE FreewareHPEFIKA 5200B user manual (2 pages, deutsch)
EFIKA 5200B User Manual ES FreewareHPEFIKA 5200B user manual (2 pages, espanol)
Egalaxtouch 1.0PPC09.09.2004Freeware Poseidon USB class for Egalax-Car-TFT-Touchscreen
EggChess 2005-12-31PPC01.01.2006OpenSourceHPlogical game
Egoboo PPC28.11.2005OpenSourceHP3D RPG, data
EHCI USB BetaPPC25.10.2006Freeware EHCI device (USB2) driver
EjectTool 2.18PPC
16.04.2006FreewareHPLoad/Eject/Toggle drive tray command
Elastic Dreams PPC
19.02.1998Commercial picture warping and morphing
Elements 1.1PPC30.06.2008MorphOSHPperiodic table ot the elements
Elephant 1.7PPC12.12.2010FreewareHPnice elephants for your desktop, req. MorphOS 2
Elephant 20.6PPC05.06.2010FreewareHPscreenbar plugin for MorphOS 2, elephant
emptyhandler 1.0PPC09.12.2008OpenSource filehandler example, creates empty files
eNote 1.668k09.05.2002Cardware electronical notebook
enqueueTorrent 1.6PPC
03.02.2008OpenSourceHPadd torrents to MLdonkey download queue
Entombed PPC01.08.2005OpenSourceHParcade game, remake of Atari 2600 classic Entombed
Epic 4 2.2PPC02.02.2006Freeware programmable, console based IRC client
E-UAE 1.0.0-JITPPC08.01.2015OpenSourceHPUbiquitous Amiga Emulator
euph0ria 1.4PPC31.12.2007FreewareHPplugin for players with AmigaAMP plugin interface (AmiNetRadio) (screenshot)
Eurography PPC21.05.2009Freeware geographical edutainment (Hollywood 3 - MorphOS, AmigaOS 4, Windows)
Eve 0.1PPC15.01.2008FreewareHPPreview version of action RPG game
EvenMore 0.81 MorphOSPPC10.06.2014FreewareHPproportional font textviewer
Everything Dies PPC30.04.1998FreewareHP3D demo, Venus Art, Astrosyn 1997 (1.)
Example of a Linux Cluster Rev. 101.07.2005FreewareHPAN2913: Example of a Linux Cluster (PDF, 28 pages, english)
Exchange 1.0PPC31.08.2007OpenSource commodities Exchange utility
Exodus: The Last War 2.168k Commercial war strategy, RTG patch
Expro 1.00PPC12.10.2007Freeware Executable Protector
ext2fs 0.41PPC
05.11.2009Freeware Second Extended FileSystem (EXT2) driver, MorphOS 3.9 includes newer version 0.46
ext2fs 0.46PPC11.03.2015MorphOSHPSecond Extended FileSystem (EXT2) driver
e2fsck 1.39PPC16.12.2007OpenSourceHPthe Ext2/Ext3 File System repair tool
FAAC 1.24+PPC04.03.2007OpenSourceHPFreeware Advance Audio Coder
Fantastic Dreams PPC
 Commercial picture warping and morphing
Fate Fits Karma PPC FreewareHP3D demo, Madwizards, Breakpoint 2003 (2.)
FAT95 3.1168k14.09.2003Freeware Win95/98 compatible file system (FAT/FAT32)
Fbzx 1.5PPC20.04.2005OpenSourceHPSinclair Spectrum emulator (slow)
FCE Ultra 0.98.10PPC13.12.2006OpenSourceHPNintendo NES and Famicom emulator
FCEU - MorphOS 1.6PPC10.02.2015OpenSourceHPemulates the classic Nintendo NES/Famicom game console
Feelin 10.0PPC07.02.2006OpenSourceHPobject-oriented framework for the AmigaOS and its friends (AROS, MOS, AOS4)
Feels Good PPC FreewareHPdemo, Dual Crew & Shining, Motorola Inside 2005 (3.)
ffmpeg SVN-r1860268k18.04.2009OpenSourceHPFFmpeg audio/video converter
FFMpeg 0.4.9 pre1PPC04.03.2007FreewareHPfast video and audio encoder
FFMpeg 0.4.9-CVS170705PPC
17.07.2005OpenSourceHPFast video and audio encoder
FileMaster 3.0.1PPC25.04.2006Freeware filemanager
FileMorph II 1.1068k06.09.1999Freeware snazy utility that manipulates file names and text, GUI
Filesysbox 4.8PPC07.03.2015MorphOSHPFUSE compatible filesystem layer for MorphOS
FileTypes PPC27.10.2006Freeware Ambient filetypes scripts
FileX 2.4PPC16.04.2006Freeware binary file editor
Final Copy 2 68k00.00.1992Commercial word processing program
Final Writer 97 68k Commercial DTP program
FindModule 2.368k24.05.2007FreewareHPE, find OS Function or CONST or whatever you want in your modulebase
fire 0.3PPC09.06.2009OpenSource SDL demo with fire/flames effects
FireFlies PPC OpenSourceHPsmall TinyGL demo
Fireworks 1.0PPC09.07.2005OpenSourceHPFireworks SDL effect
fisg 0.2.0PPC18.10.2004OpenSourceHPFast IRC Stats Generator (FISG) creates HTML pages with statistics about IRC logs
Fish Fillets NG 0.7.0PPC04.06.2005OpenSourceHPlogical game (game data - 92MB)
fixdate 1.2PPC01.03.2012OpenSource fix files that have a date in future
FLAC 1.1.4PPC15.02.2007OpenSource Free Lossless Audio Codec
FLAC PPC20.12.2008FreewareHPFLAC player for AmiNetRadio and MorphOS 2.1
Flare 0.16PPC02.08.2012OpenSourceHPgreat diablo like Isometric RPG Game (83 MB)
Flashless 0.1513.11.2009OpenSource Watch and download media content without Flash
FlashPlayer 1.4PPC26.04.2008OpenSourceHPflash (SWF) format file player
FlexCat 2.17PPC03.04.2015OpenSourceHPFlexible catalogs, creates catalogs and the source to handle them (C, Asm, Oberon, E, ARexx, Modula...)
Flite 1.2PPC04.10.2005FreewareHPspeech synthesis engine
FloboPuyo 0.20PPC09.10.2008OpenSource Tetris like logical game
Fly 0.3.3PPC01.09.2005OpenSourceHPspace shooter
FodQuake 0.3PPC03.03.2012MorphOSHPFodquake is a further development of the Quakeworld-client Fuhquake which is more portable and runs better on non-i386-processors. You can find the client as well as the list of changes under the title link.
Foobiliard 3.0aPPC07.09.2005OpenSourceHP3D pool
Foosball 0.92PPC16.10.2003OpenSource table football simulator
Formido 1.0PPC14.09.2005OpenSourceHPsimple shooter
Fortis 1.2PPC25.06.2011FreewareHPclassical shooter scheme although presented in new 3D environment
FotoFoto PPC MorphOS photos recognition game (MorphOS SuperBundle)
Foundation 1.2768k Commercial Settlers like strategy game
Foundation Gold 68k Commercial Settlers like strategy game (unstable)
FPSE 0.10.3PPC05.02.2012FreewareHPFPSE (Free PlayStation Emulator) is a Sony PlayStation emulator
FPSE GUI 0.1PPC29.03.2005Freeware PlayStation emulator FPSE GUI
Fragment 1.5PPC30.12.2007FreewareHPvisualizes memory fragmentation
Freakbar 1.368k04.12.2006Freeware toolbar
Free Heroes II 0.6.2392PPC02.08.2011OpenSourceHPA free, SDL-based engine for Heroes of Might & Magic II game. The game is a turn-based fantasy wargame released in 1996. Note that while the engine is free, it requires game data from commercial or demo version, none of them is included to the archive
Freeciv 1.2PPC23.03.2003FreewareHPturn-based multiplayer strategy game
FreeDB 13.8PPC18.01.2008OpenSourceHPdatabase to look up CD information using the internet
Freedroid 1.0.2PPC26.05.2005OpenSourceHPParanoid remake
FreeED 1.168k29.10.2001Freeware simple text editor
FreePascal 2.0.4PPC28.08.2006OpenSourceHPPascal programming language
FreeSCI 0.3.4cPPC31.01.2006OpenSourceHPinterpreter for Sierra On-line games
Freeze 1.1PPC10.07.2008FreewareHPsuspends misbehaving tasks and processes.
Frodo 4.2PPC17.04.2006OpenSourceHPCommodore 64 emulator
FroggerNG 2.07PPC27.07.2003SharewareHPmovie player (AVI, DivX, MPG...)
Frotz 2.43PPC21.08.2006Freeware Infocom Z-Code game interpreter
Frying Pan source code 22.07.2011OpenSourceHPan Amiga Optical Disc Recording Software, CD and DVD, source code
FryingPan 1.3.2PPC07.08.2011OpenSourceHPan Amiga Optical Disc Recording Software, CD and DVD, free version of last paid version from 2008-03-01
FS1541 1.3PPC19.01.2008OpenSource filesystem for CBM 1541 disks
FTE QW 3343PPC14.02.2008OpenSourceHPFTE QW (Fore Thought Entertainment QuakeWorld) is an engine which supports data from Quake, Quake II, Quake III Arena, Hexen II, and others
FTManager 1.10PPC01.09.2008MorphOSHPprogram which help you to install fonts
FTPMount 1.4PPC02.05.2005Freeware MorphOS native handler for FTPMount
ft2.library 1.5PPC20.05.2005MorphOSHPnew TrueType library for MorphOS 1.4.5
Fuse 0.10.0PPC14.12.2008OpenSourceHPZX Spectrum emulator
fxPaint 2.02 LitePPC
 MorphOS bitmap graphics editor (MorphOS SuperBundle)
fxScan 4 LitePPC
 MorphOS scanning software (MorphOS SuperBundle)
Gallerius 2.30PPC12.10.2008FreewareHPeasy HTML galery generator
Gamma Patrol 1.0PPC17.12.2001Freeware truecolor galaga
Gammameter 1.2PPC13.07.2008OpenSource simple tool for measuring gamma coefficient of display devices
GBE 0.4.8bPPC23.04.2006OpenSourceHPGameboy and Gameboy Color emulator
GB3 3.1.500PPC12.02.2012OpenSource Gribouillis, highly portable painting program by Yomgui
GCC 2.95.4-7PPC20.11.2006OpenSource GNU C/C++ programming language (MorphOS ELF)
GCC 4.0.3-1PPC12.11.2006OpenSource GNU C/C++ programming language (MorphOS ELF)
GCC 2.95.3PPC14.05.2007MorphOSHPgg gcc update
GD 2.0.10PPC28.12.2006FreewareHPa graphics library for fast image creation
geekcode 1.7.3PPC20.09.2004OpenSourceHPThe Geek Code Generator will generate a geek code block for you by asking you a series of questions about yourself. The generated code can be pasted into your .sig or anywhere else you would like to display your geekiness
gelbesPanel 6.168k05.09.2003FreewareHPversatile control panel for MiamiDx
GemDropX 0.9PPC22.03.2006OpenSourceHPlogical game
GemZ 0.97.0PPC26.07.2006OpenSourceHPlogical game, Bejeweled clone
Genesi Pegasos II Boot Options Rev. 101.07.2005FreewareHPAN2736 : Genesi Pegasos II Boot Options (PDF, 8 pages, english)
Genesi Pegasos II Debian Linux 01.03.2005FreewareHPAN2739 : Genesi Pegasos II Debian Linux, Freescale (PDF, 44 pages, english)
Genesi Pegasos II Firmware 01.07.2004FreewareHPAN2738 : Genesi Pegasos II Firmware, Freescale (PDF, 12 pages, english)
Genesi Pegasos II Kernel and NFS Facility 01.08.2004FreewareHPAN2748 : Genesi Pegasos II Kernel and NFS Facility (PDF, 40 pages, english)
Genesi Pegasos II: Linux Training for Debian 10.06.2004FreewareHPLNXDEVSYS_PPT6 : Genesi Pegasos II: Linux Training for Debian, presentation (PDF, 40 pages, english)
Genesi Pegasos II: Linux Training for Open Firmware 10.06.2004FreewareHPLNXDEVSYS_PPT5 : Genesi Pegasos II: Linux Training for Open Firmware, presentation (PDF, 18 pages, english)
Genesi Pegasos II: Linux Training for Yellow Dog 10.06.2004FreewareHPLNXDEVSYS_PPT7 : Genesi Pegasos II: Linux Training for Yellow Dog (PDF, 21 pages, english)
Genesi Pegasos II: Linux Training Part 1 10.06.2004FreewareHPLNXDEVSYS_PPT4 : Genesi Pegasos II: Linux Training Part 1, presentation (PDF, 27 pages, english)
Genesi Pegasos II Setup 01.07.2004FreewareHPAN2666 : Genesi Pegasos II Setup (PDF, 16 pages, english)
Genesi Pegasos II: Using sim_G4plus 10.06.2004FreewareHPLNXDEVSYS_PPT3 : Genesi Pegasos II: Using sim_G4plus, presentation (PDF, 36 pages, english)
Genesi Pegasos II Yellow Dog Linux 3 Rev : Genesi Pegasos II Yellow Dog Linux 3, Freescale (PDF, 28 pages, english)
Genesi Pegasos II Yellow Dog Linux 4 Rev. 101.03.2005FreewareHPAN2802 : Genesi Pegasos II Yellow Dog Linux 4 (PDF, 36 pages, english)
Genesis 1.0.468k08.02.1999SharewareHPTCP/IP stack
GenesisPlus 1.4PPC05.07.2008OpenSourceHPSega Megadrive/Genesis emulator
Genetic Species 68k23.06.2001Freeware 3D action game (+ patch), 19 archives
getvideo 0.2903.03.2011OpenSource get FLV files from YouTube and many more
get9usr 1.0PPC05.11.2004FreewareHPprivate general purpose support library (Transpoclock 1.05+, snes9xstarter 2.2+ etc.)
G-Force PPC28.07.2004FreewareHPplugin for players with AmigaAMP plugin interface (AmiNetRadio)
GfxCon 1.8c68k07.08.1997Freeware image format converter
GG binutils 2.13.1-5PPC11.03.2005OpenSource binutils port for MorphOS, mainly to use with new GCC 2.95.4 with AltiVec support
GG binutils 2.9.1PPC14.05.2007MorphOSHPgg binutils update
Ghost In The Machine PPC13.06.1998Freeware 3D demo, Venus Art, party Gravity2
Ghostscript 8.6068k06.04.2008Freeware suite of software based on an interpreter of the Adobe PostScript and Portable Document Format (PDF) page description languages
Giana s Return 1.10PPC27.12.2014FreewareHPunofficial sequel of The Great Giana Sisters
Giddy3 1.3PPC15.03.2009FreewareHPretro-style scrolling puzzle / platform game
GIF Toolkit 1.5.368k09.01.1997Shareware convert pictures to GIF, GIF-anim
Giggledisk 1.19PPC
21.05.2005FreewareHPcreate DosDrivers and MountList files
git source version control system designed to handle very large projects with speed and efficiency
Giuideance 1.068k03.11.1996Freeware AmigaGuide-Viewer, XPK/PowerGuide-support
Glare PPC27.04.2005FreewareHP3D demo, Madwizards, Breakpoint 2005 (3.)
GLAst 1.0.2PPC29.08.2005OpenSource 3D asteroids shooter, GLAst 0.91 MOS
GLGlobe PPC15.04.2006OpenSourceHP3D OpenGL simulation of the Globe
Glib 2.0PPC02.11.2006OpenSourceHPport of glib and gobject libraries 2.6.6
GLLoad 0.4.2PPC30.04.2006OpenSource 3D CPU load display
Global Gladiators 1.2PPC FreewareHPGlobal Gladiators remake
Glow32 1.1PPC21.02.2007FreewareHPcreate 32bit glowicons
GnGEO 0.7PPC26.11.2007OpenSourceHPneogeo emulátor, this emulator is partially based on an older MAME neogeo core, and uses 'generator' 68k cpu core. It also has many less abstraction layers than MAME and thus should achieve a rather good performance on G3 and maybe even on Efika, which is the main motivation for this port.
GNU Go 3.6PPC11.01.2007OpenSourceHPhra Go, ASCII (but GUI frontends available - GuBoss)
GNUBoy 1.03PPC03.08.2002OpenSourceHPGameboy Color emulator
gnufo 0.3.2PPC20.01.2007OpenSourceHPshoot'em up game (galaga like)
gnupg 1.4.2 RC1PPC07.01.2006OpenSourceHPGNU Privacy Guard, complete and free implementation of the OpenPGP standard
gnuplot 5.2.2PPC23.02.2018OpenSourceHPinteractive function and data plotting
GoatNinja 1.11PPC09.02.2008OpenSource Convert Goat Tracker 1 to Ninja Tracker
GoatTracker 2.72PPC26.07.2011FreewareHPC64 music editor
GoBoss 0.1aPPC22.01.2007OpenSourceHPSDL frontend for GNU Go
GoldED AIX 68k Freeware text editor
Google Drive handler 0.4PPC29.01.2016Freeware Dos handler allowing easy access to Your Google Drive storage
Goom PPC07.02.2003FreewareHPplugin for players with AmigaAMP plugin interface (AmiNetRadio)
GPL Arcade Volleyball 0.8PPC OpenSourceHPvolleyball
GrafX2 2.3PPC30.06.2011OpenSourceHPbitmap paint program
Gread 1.1hPPC04.04.2009Freeware textreader with beautiful background gradient colors
grep 2.568k28.07.2006OpenSource cli utility, searches for lines of text that match one or many regular expressions, and outputs only the matching lines
gruftistats 0.2.4PPC20.09.2004OpenSourceHPprogram to read IRC logs and produce an HTML page of statistics and amusing facts about an IRC channel
Grunch 2.18PPC
08.10.2015FreewareHPapplication management system for MorphOS and AmigaOS
GuideCheck 1.23PPC20.04.2005FreewareHPAmigaGuide syntax checker and more
GummiSurf 1.3PPC02.02.2009FreewareHPthe downloader manager companion (Charon, IBrowse, Sputnik, Voyager and AWeb)
Handy++ 0.95bPPC29.04.2007OpenSourceHPAtari Lynx emulator
Hangman 0.9.2PPC18.02.2006OpenSource logical game
HangMan 2004 1.0PPC
14.06.2005Freeware logical game
Hatari 0.95PPC09.06.2006OpenSourceHPAtari ST emulator
HBMonopoly 2.468k17.04.2000Freeware Monopoly game, online
HDConfig 51.4PPC22.11.2008MorphOSHPharddisk preperation utility (MorphOS 2+)
HDRIview 1.1PPC21.11.2006Freeware HDR picture viewer
Heavy Traffic PPC31.03.2002FreewareHP3D demo, Madwizards, Mekka & Symposium 2002 (4.)
Helios 0.5 svn r622PPC16.05.2011FreewareHPOHCI-IEEE1394 (Firewire) driver, tools and SDK for MorphOS
HellChess PPC
27.06.2004Freeware chess
Help 0.92PPC11.02.2005Freeware inline Help for all the MorphOS shell commands (v0.94 - 2006-02-06 - removed from hp)
Heretic II PPC CommercialHP3D action game, (demo - 1, 2, 3 and 4)
Hex Pistols PPC23.05.2005OpenSourceHPdemo, Fit, Motorola Inside 2005 (1.)
HexaMine 1.168k22.10.1996Freeware Mine like game
Hexen 68k Commercial 3D action game
Hexen II GLPPC27.01.2006Commercial 3D action game (opensource + PC game data), GLHexen 2
HighMoon 1.2.3PPC31.01.2006OpenSourceHPArtillery clone in space
HitMenu 1.1268k20.07.2001Freeware small "software manager"
Hivelyplay 1.3PPC30.11.2007OpenSourceHPHively player library + AmiNetRadio plugin
HivelyTracker 1.6 MorphOSPPC13.11.2008OpenSourceHPAHX based multichannel chiptune tracker
HollyRec PPC
25.01.2004Freeware converts "Hollywood" presentations into MPEG etc.
Hollywood 6 EpiphanyPPC
22.02.2015CommercialHPHollywood is the Cross-Platform Multimedia Application Layer. That means that it offers a powerful 64-bit script language together with advanced functions that allow you to create your own multimedia applications, ranging from a simple slideshow to a complex game
Hollywood Designer 4.0PPC
17.06.2012CommercialHPhigh-end presentation software
Hollywood For Cubic 1.1PPC
26.04.2009FreewareHPHollywood For Cubic IDE Add on
HomeBank 3.2 Beta 1PPC05.02.2006Freeware MUI personal accounts manager
Homeworld RC1PPC18.09.2008OpenSource strategy HomeWorld, req. data from PC version
HorrorHouse PPC26.05.2004Freeware arcade game
hpdf 2.0PPC03.01.2009OpenSourceHPlibrary for generating PDF files
Htmldoc 1.8.27PPC09.05.2008OpenSource convert HTML to PDF, PostScript
HTTP Resume 1.968k17.12.2000Freeware download files via HTTP, resume interrupted HTTP downloads
httplog 2.1PPC18.10.2006OpenSourceHPhttplog is a replacement for rotatelogs (Apache) chronolog (Andrew Ford) 51.18PPC01.05.2014MorphOSHPHTTP/1.1 protocol client as a Reggae stream class. Supports GET and POST requests including multipart posts and binary uploads. Features response header parser, post data builder, automatic redirection, proxy support and more
HuC 3.21PPC09.01.2007OpenSourceHPC compiler for making PC Engine games
Hu-Go! 1.3PPC11.07.2008OpenSourceHPTurbografx16 / PC Engine emulator
Hunpack 0.1PPC06.08.2006OpenSource .HPA files unarchiver
Hurrican R2PPC04.07.2012OpenSourceHPHurrican is a great openGL remake of well known Turrican 2 Game done
Hus 1.0b68k FreewareHPlogical game, Bantumi clone, nice graphics
hvl2wav 1.0PPC06.04.2008OpenSourceHPconverts AHX and HVL (hivelytracker) mods to WAV
27.09.2020FreewareHPSDL scripting with Hollywood
HyperCannon 1.1PPC05.06.2010FreewareHPshoot em up, nice graphics, more than 100 levels
ChangeIt 0.7PPC
07.03.2009FreewareHPlogical game, Amiga Bejeveled clone
CharMap 2.0b68k20.07.2003Freeware display the whole charset of a given font
Charon 1.9868k07.01.2002FreewareHPdownload manager, can continue aborted download
ChocolateCastle 0.7PPC13.10.2010OpenSource GUI based, parametrized source code generator for MUI and Reggae internal classes. Generates ready to compile skeletons. Source code included. Written by Grzegorz Kraszewski.
Chromium 0.9PPC OpenSourceHPshot emp up, nice graphics
Chrysalis pack 3.9.2PPC13.03.2016FreewareHPinstall pack for applications, games and emulators (ISO CD) for MorphOS 3.9

SOFTWARE: AmiNetRadio, AmIRC, AnimWebConvertor, AudioEvolution4, CRABUM, DigiRoller, ExciterPlayer, FryingPan, GB3, GhostScript, Grunch, IceFileSystem, MagicBeacon MLDonkey, NTFS, PolyNet NG, PolyOrga, PolyGlot, Remote Desktop, SAB, SimpleMail, SnapShoter, SongPlayer, TopCPU, V.A.M.P

GAMES: AmigaRacer, Ace of Hearts Demo, AskMeUp XXL Demo, BattleSquadron Demo, BirdieShoot, BoXiKoN, Chromium, Islands MiniGolf, OpenBOR, ScummVM

EMULATORS: A.C.E, E-UAE, FPSE, GenesisPlus, MAME, MorphVectrex, rhLaunch, SMSPlus, VICE

Chrysler PPC09.06.2004OpenSourceHPFIT a Bandwagon, Motorola Inside 2004
I Have No Tomatoes 1.55aPPC18.08.2007OpenSourceHPdestroy as much tomatoes as possible
IBrowse 2.4 Demo68k22.12.2006CommercialHPweb browser, HMTL4, SSL, JavaScript, frames... support, tabbed browsing
IBrowse Flash Plugin 1.14PPC19.01.2007FreewareHPflash plugin for IBrowse 2.4
IceDoctor 1.5PPC23.10.2013SharewareHPthe ultimate healer and rescuer of IceFS (IceFileSystem) volumes
IceFileSystem 2.10PPC21.10.2013FreewareHP64bit disk filesystem supporting a high number of useful features, by a design prioritised like following: 1-Reliability, 2-Scalability, 3-Efficiency, 4-Speed
IceMOS PPC14.05.2003Freeware MorphOS skin
Icons Mixed PPC28.08.2006Freeware 20 PNG icons
Iconv 3.0PPC18.01.2008OpenSourceHPport libiconv 1.11
ico2bmp PPC06.04.2008OpenSource extracts BMP files from ICO files
IdestandBy 1.0PPC13.12.2006Freeware small tool to spin down motor of IDE HDs
Idiot Test 1.0PPC04.05.2009Freeware Idiot Test
id3ren PPC26.10.2002Freeware ID3 tag editor
iffdeep.decoder 51.5PPC20.11.2007FreewareHPThe class decodes IFF DEEP data used in TVPaint (RLE and DELTA compression), Photogenics and XiPaint (not compressed), update for Reggae-D
iffdeep.demuxer 51.1PPC20.11.2007FreewareHPthe class is a Reggae demultiplexer for IFF DEEP images, update for Reggae-D
iffilbm.decoder 51.5PPC20.11.2007FreewareHPthe class decodes IFF ILBM pictures, update for Reggae-D
iffilbm.demuxer 51.3PPC02.01.2010FreewareHPthe class is a Reggae demultiplexer for IFF ILBM images, update for Reggae-D
iffparse.library PPC10.10.2006MorphOSHPupdated iffparse library for MorphOS 1.4.x, fixes issues with Envoy 'Accounts Manager' being unable to read user accounts
Ignition 1.0 Beta168k12.08.2006CommercialHPmodern spreadsheet program with a small but relational all-purpose database (betaversion for free)
Image Studio 2.3.068k21.11.1995Shareware Image processing program (a 2nd part LHA)
ImageFx 4.5PPC
29.08.2001CommercialHPgraphics editor
ImageFx LitePPC
15.09.2003MorphOSHPbitmap graphics editor (MorphOS SuperBundle)
ImageMagick 6.2.3PPC04.10.2005OpenSourceHPconvert, compose and edit images
Imagine 68k Commercial rayracing program
Imaz PPC18.09.2005Freeware MorphOS skin
imconv PPC25.03.2008OpenSource console image converter (tga2jpg, jpg2tga, png2tga, png2jpg, dds2tga, dds2jpg)
ImuBox 0.268k11.07.2002FreewareHPtiny 3D meaningless game
indetifyMOS 37.1PPC29.07.2004Freeware identify library replacement with better Scout support
Infones 0.97j RC1PPC23.09.2007OpenSourceHPNES emulator
Inform 6.21PPC19.01.2003OpenSource Z code compiler for creating adventures that can be played with Frotz and similar tools
Installer 43.3PPC24.03.2007OpenSource App installation utility
Installer 1.39PPC
26.09.2011DonationwareHPapplication installation utility, alternative for original Installer for AmigaOS
Installing SUSE on Genesi Pegasos Rev. 201.12.2005FreewareHPAN2930 : Installing SUSE on Genesi Pegasos (PDF, 16 pages, english)
InterLOGIC 0.3PPC01.02.2006OpenSource logical game, Amiga Balls clone
06.03.2018OpenSource MC680x0 reassembler
IRCom 2.12PPC02.06.2007FreewareHPinfra red driver system
IRCom Remote 3.11PPC23.03.2009FreewareHPcontrol your computer by using a remote
Iso-Angband PPC21.08.2006OpenSourceHPAngband with isometric point of view
IsoTools PPC11.10.2005Freeware convert b5i, bin, ccd, cdi, mdf or pdi to ISO-9660
Ixemul 49.20PPC09.08.2005OpenSourceHPlibrary that emulates Unix fuctions
JabberWocky 1.7PPC04.06.2007FreewareHPJabber client - AIM, ICQ, MSN, Yahoo
JabberWocky 1.9b1PPC28.03.2010FreewareHPJabber client - AIM, ICQ, MSN, Yahoo
Jaegertime 68k11.04.2009FreewareHP3D demo, Dekadence, Breakpoint 2009 (6.)
Jam 2.5PPC05.10.2005OpenSourceHPsoftware build tool and make replacement
JanoEditor 1.01dPPC OpenSourceHPtext editor
jday 1.3PPC20.09.2004OpenSourceHPsimple command to convert calendar dates to julian dates
Jenny Thinks PPC12.08.2004OpenSourceHPdemo, FIT, Assembly 2004 (4.)
JHead 2.96PPC22.06.2012OpenSourceHPmanipulate non-image parts of Exif JPEGs
jpeg.decoder 51.7PPC05.06.2010FreewareHPReggae decoder for JPEG images. Supports RGB, grayscale and CMYK images.
jpeg.demuxer 51.1PPC09.12.2007FreewareHPReggae demultiplexer for JPEG images, update for Reggae-D
jpeglibrary 6.2aPPC
05.07.2001Freeware shared library to load/save jpegs
Jsplit 2.0168k28.09.1995Freeware split and join files via GUI
jzIntv 1.0-beta4PPC05.02.2014OpenSourceHPIntellivision Emulator with SDK
Kaya 1.5.1PPC MorphOS music player (OGG Vorbis and MP3)
Kaya Skins PPC14.09.2003Freeware 4 skins for Kaya player
Kens Icons V410.04.2008Freeware Ken's DualPNG Icons
Kens Icons V315.11.2007Freeware Ken's PNG Icons
Kens Icons V215.11.2007Freeware PNG icons
KeyMap 20.18PPC22.06.2014FreewareHPscreenbar plugin for MorphOS 2+, keymap switcher
KeyMorpher 1.1PPC21.11.2004FreewareHPMUI KeyMap editor
Klix 2.0PPC
13.06.2011FreewareHPWelcome to my new and old thinking game KLIX. The target of this game is to deposit different stones with the help of a pusher stone in a target template. This version is done with HOLLYWOOD and therefore available for all Operation Systems.
KME 1.5.1PPC01.01.2006Freeware Keymap editor
KMS 2.1.5PPC25.06.2007FreewareHPKeyMap Switcher
Knight and Merchants DemoPPC08.08.2006CommercialHPSettlers like strategy game
Knoga 0.2PPC04.12.2005Freeware Yahtzee game
KoboDeluxe 0.4pre10PPC27.09.2005OpenSourceHPshoot em up
Komi 1.04PPC26.03.2008OpenSourceHPKomi the Space Frog, 2D arcade game
Koules V1.4 R1.31PPC04.06.2017OpenSourceHPport of Linux+OS/2 arcade game
Krajska mesta PPC22.01.2009FreewareHPonly in czech language, test - regional capitals - Czech Republic (MorphOS, Windows)
Kray 1.4PPC15.03.2004FreewareHPraytracing program
Kryptos 50.6PPC02.11.2008MorphOSHPKryptos Disk Encryption Suite, TrueCrypt compatible
Kulce 2.0PPC06.08.2004Freeware nice logical WB game
Kulce 1.168k13.04.2003Freeware nice logical WB game
Lame 3.98.4PPC23.05.2010OpenSourceHPencoder MP3
Lazymines 3.268k19.12.1998OpenSource Mine clone
LBreakout 2 1.0.10PPC19.03.2005OpenSourceHParkanoid
LCD Monitor Test 1.0PPC27.04.2008Freeware LCD monitor test
LCD Monitor Test 1.3PPC20.12.2014MorphOSHPLCD monitor test
ldview 0.8PPC28.04.2005FreewareHPldraw model viewer
Least 0.0468k23.01.1993Freeware small, handsome text displayer
Lemacs 3.668k10.05.1987Freeware text editor, CLI, enhanced version of MicroEmacs
Lemon 1.0PPC16.12.2008OpenSourceHPLALR(1) parser generator
Level9 2.0PPC OpenSourceHPLevel9 adventures interpreter
LGeneral 1.2 beta5PPC07.10.2005OpenSource World War 2 strategy game inspired by Panzer General
LhA 2.7.10PPC01.01.2011MorphOSHPLhA file archiver, update for MorphOS 2.7 with Y2011 fix (save to MOSSYS:C/)
libctrace 0.3PPC23.12.2006Freeware library to generate simple call traces
libfreetype2 2.3.2PPC13.03.2007OpenSourceHPdevelopment files for Freetype2
libintl 1.1PPC18.01.2008OpenSource libintl library port
libpng 1.2.15PPC15.01.2007OpenSourceHPlibrary to handle portable network graphics in conjunction with Zlib which handles compression and decompression
libprofile 0.15PPC08.03.2007Freeware bit more complex profiler code for MorphOS
Library Examples 1.0PPC09.01.2005OpenSource code examples to create MorphOS native libraries
librosprite 0.0.1PPC10.12.2008OpenSource loads RISC OS sprite files
libSGE r030809PPC29.12.2005OpenSource SDL Graphics Extension library
Libsndfile 0.0.28PPC28.07.2004OpenSource library of C routines for reading and writing files containing sampled audio data
libxml2 2.6.22PPC18.08.2006OpenSourceHPXML parser and toolkit
Lightning Spirit PPC19.02.2006OpenSourceHPvertical shot em up
Lightning Spirit 2 PPC09.11.2009OpenSourceHPvertical shooter (included installer will download game data)
Lightning Volta PPC19.02.2006OpenSourceHPvertical shot em up
Lightshaft 68k12.04.2009FreewareHP3D demo, Elude, Breakpoint 2009 (2.)
Lightwave 3D 5.20a68k11.11.1996Commercial raytracing program and 3D modeler
LimpidClock 1.1768k01.11.2006FreewareHPclock
Ling 1.7 MOSPPC05.03.2008OpenSourceHPpasswords/accounts manager
LISP 68k Freeware LISP programming language
Little John NG 0.1.1PPC22.09.2002OpenSourceHPNintendo NES/SNES emulator
LittleCms 3.0PPC03.01.2009OpenSourceHPlittle colormanagement library
LittleCms Dev 3.0PPC03.01.2009OpenSourceHPlittle colormanagement library - development files
LiveMixer 1.4 betaPPC11.03.2005Freeware Mixer for SBLive! 5.1 sound card
LMarbles 1.0.7PPC21.10.2004OpenSourceHPlogical game
logTool 2.6PPC27.05.2009FreewareHPanalyzing debug output, firewire support, req. PowerTerm 50.70 (MUICON)
LogTool 1.10PPC09.02.2007FreewareHPanalyzing debug output (formerly AnaLOGuer)
Lola 1.2PPC03.02.2006FreewareHPquick EMailer commodity
LookHere! 1.1PPC13.04.2009Freeware image viewer
LoView 2.05 MorphOSPPC13.12.2010Freeware the Easy Viewer and Thumber
LPairs 1.0PPC24.01.2005OpenSourceHPlogical game
LTris 1.0.11PPC18.01.2008OpenSourceHPtetris
Lua 5.2.1PPC20.06.2012OpenSourceHPprogramming language
Lucy 2.33PPC09.09.2008FreewareHPsmall commodity that uses one of the new features of MorphOS 2.0 and makes currently inactive and/or unfocussed windows translucent, depending on its operation mode (V2.29+ is req. for MorphOS 2.1)
Lunapaint 0.3.2PPC13.03.2007OpenSourceHPpaint and animation program
Lupengo 1.0.1PPC28.08.2005OpenSourceHPPengo Clone with wolves
Lwpa PPC25.02.2002Freeware Ligtwave Particle Animator
Lynx 2.8.7PPC04.08.2007OpenSourceHPtext-only browser
LzxRepacker 1.83PPC05.10.2003OpenSource repack LZX, LHA, ARJ, ZIP, RAR, HA, TAR, TGZ, SHR, ZOO to LZX. corrupt checking and other functions
MAD 0.47PPC01.08.2015Freeware PowerPC assembly level debugger. Features single step, step over and skipping instruction. Displays full processor state. Code size limited to 32 MB. A bit minimalistic GUI. Written by Matthew Gundry.
MadBomber 0.25PPC03.03.2005FreewareHPcatch bombs before they hit the ground and explode
MadMatrix 1.2PPC18.09.2005OpenSource logical game
Magellambient PPC20.09.2004Freeware it starts DOpus Magellan under Ambient and allows you to open listers on Ambient in WBR style
Magical Ink 1.0 beta 2PPC29.04.2011Freeware Vector paint application for MorphOS 2.5. The software can import OpenOffice Draw, Microsoft Word (97), SVG documents as well as common text and bitmap graphics files. Currently, it can also export to the PDF, SVG, PNG and EPS file formats.
Magical Ink - Update 0.5.2PPC05.09.2010Freeware Update of vector paint application for MorphOS 2.5. The software can import OpenOffice Draw, Microsoft Word (97), SVG documents as well as common text and bitmap graphics files. Currently, it can also export to the PDF, SVG, PNG and EPS file formats.
MagicBeacon PPC15.10.2011FreewareHPhighly configurable notification and messaging system, download via Grunch
Magnetic 2.1PPC Freeware Magnetic Scroll games interpreter
MainActor Broadcast 68k Commercial graphics convertor, ANIM creator
Make 3.81PPC16.02.2005OpenSourceHPPOSIX compatible 'make' program
Make Human 0.9.0PPC07.11.2006OpenSourceHPmodeling of three-dimensional humanoid characters, data 45MB (link didn't work)
MakeCD 3.2d beta1268k21.11.2005FreewareHPcreate, burn and copy CDs - TAO+DAO, req. MakeCD32c-internet.lha
Serial Number: 555555555, License Key: H8HsRww)7Uz)!iXE5PUMfgP#VymA6
makedepend X11R7.0-1.0.0PPC30.12.2007OpenSourceHPcreate dependencies in makefiles
Malint 0.2PPC22.06.2005Freeware MPEG Audio stream validator
MAME 0.148PPC02.03.2013OpenSourceHPMultiple Arcade Machine Emulator
MangoQuest 0.6.4PPC01.09.2005OpenSourceHPpacman 3D
man2web 0.88PPC16.02.2005FreewareHPconvert man pages to HTML
MapMasterDX 1.2PPC27.12.2007FreewareHPcreate maps for 2D games, mapmasterdx2.jpg
Marble Solitarus PPC29.11.2008FreewareHPSolitaire game made by DanLabGames
MathRace 1.0PPC
19.02.2006Freeware mathematical game
Matrix 1.9PPC
21.03.2002Freeware Matrix blanker
Maxon Cinema 4D 68k Commercial raytracing program
Maze of Galious 0.62PPC06.03.2005OpenSourceHPJump'n'Run, remake
MCC BetterBalance 20.1PPC02.11.2009FreewareHPcustom class for MUI
MCC BetterString 11.29PPC
21.03.2015OpenSourceHPcustom class for MUI
MCC BWin 22.068k20.02.2005FreewareHPcustom class for MUI
MCC Calendar 18.3PPC03.02.2006FreewareHPcustom class for MUI
MCC Crawling 20.9PPC30.12.2007OpenSourceHPMCC MUI library
MCC Envelope 14.168k03.08.1999Freeware MCC to edit envelopes as used by synthesizers
MCC GIFAnim 19.5PPC03.02.2006FreewareHPcustom class for MUI
MCC Guigfx 19.268k17.10.2000Freeware custom class for MUI, can display image files in any format datatypes.library understands
MCC HexEdit 14.068k15.05.1998Freeware MCC to show/edit memory area as hex-dump
MCC HotKeyStr 12.1PPC
18.01.2004Freeware custom class for MUI
MCC HTMLtext 14.868k14.09.1997Shareware HTML text display custom class (MUI)
MCC HTMLview 13.4PPC
21.12.2007OpenSourceHPHTMLview.mcc is a custom class for MUI which offers HTML viewing capabilities. The class supports most of the HTML 4.0 standard as defined by W3C, it is infact often more accurate than most browsers
MCC Lamp 20.6PPC30.12.2007OpenSourceHPMCC MUI library
MCC LayGroup 19.3PPC25.03.2008OpenSourceHPMCC MUI library, automatic object layout within a group
MCC Mailtext 3.168k29.07.1998Freeware custom class for MUI, Mailtext.mcc 19.8
MCC MimeEditor 1.468k06.10.1998Freeware MUI custom class for editing MIME files (e-mail standard)
MCC MiniMailer 22.0PPC21.01.2008FreewareHPcustom class for MUI
MCC NewString 16.1868k27.12.2005Freeware MCC class, required for IBrowse
MCC NList 0.120PPC
21.03.2015OpenSourceHPcustom class for MUI
MCC Plot 1.7PPC22.11.2008FreewareHPMUI class, graph, export to Calc (ODS)
MCC Popph 15.568k03.07.2000Freeware Popup placeholder class (MUI)
MCC Readargsgr 11.068k25.10.1998Freeware build GUI from ReadArgs template
MCC SpeedBar 19.4PPC03.02.2006FreewareHPcustom class for MUI
MCC TextEditor 15.46PPC22.03.2015OpenSourceHPTexteditor custom class for MUI
MCC TheBar 26.16PPC
22.03.2015OpenSourceHPcustom class for MUI
MCC TipOfDay 15.868k03.07.2000Freeware 'Tip of the day' class (MUI)
MCC ToolBar 15.12PPC
06.08.2005Freeware Toolbar custom class for MUI
MCC TransferAnim 1.568k14.10.1999Freeware MUI Custom Class for displaying transfer-animations
MCC TWFmultiLE 12.668k06.12.1999Freeware MUI indicator LED class
MCC UrlText 20.0PPC05.11.2007FreewareHPcustom class for MUI
MCC Wheel 1.0 beta68k08.02.2000Freeware like modulation wheel of a keyboard
MCE 12.2PPC27.09.2020OpenSourceHPMulti-game Character Editor - editing of character files, saved games and high score tables for 68 games
mdpcontrol 0.3PPC09.03.2008FreewareHPa very basic client for the Music Player Daemon
mDVD 0.8PPC13.12.2006Freeware MPlayer DVD GUI
md5.library 2.0PPC14.07.2011Freeware A small shared library calculating MD5 sum of files and memory buffers. Uses reference RSA code, done by "widelec". Developer files and documentation included.
MediaLogger 1.12PPC22.05.2009FreewareHPthe logging tool for Reggae multimedia library
MegaED 1.268k02.09.1995Freeware text editor, german only
Megagreetro PPC22.05.2005FreewareHPgreetro, Rave Network Overscan, Motorola Inside 2005 (4.)
Meltium 1.60PPC30.01.2005FreewareHPgraphical CPUmeter with image
MemEater 1.1PPC01.02.2006Freeware tool for producing low memory situations
MemoryGauge 1.3PPC11.09.2009FreewareHPscreenbar plugin for MorphOS and displays all kinds of memory information as a gauge in the screen title
MenGUI PPC09.11.2003FreewareHPMencoder GUI
MenoBox 1.0PPC
01.09.2002FreewareHP3D-platformer in OpenGL-window
MenoBox XMas 1.0PPC
03.01.2003FreewareHP3D-platformer in OpenGL-window
MenuMaker PPC
27.09.2003Freeware menugenerator and Editor for VideoCD Menus
Meridian 3.11PPC23.03.2009FreewareHPPDA like input system
MESS 0.113PPC01.11.2007OpenSourceHPMultiple Emulator Super System, emulating all sorts of consoles/computers, see to see the impressive list
MetalWeb 4.0168k22.04.2000SharewareHPMetalWeb is the first WYSIWYG HTML editor for AmigaOS. The philsophy behind the software is that you should not need to understand HTML in order to create pages within MetalWEB. You can create web pages via a DTP style editor or the 'old way' via a tabbed, coloured, text based source window. Indeed, like the award-winning Dreamweaver? you can open both the edit and source window, work within one of the windows, whilst the other window updates, automagically!
MetalWebMI.lha 168k10.03.2002FreewareHPGlowIcons Toolbar for MetalWeb
MFKey 1.10PPC02.01.2008FreewareHPattach special functions to keys
Miami 3.0a68k06.03.1998Shareware TCP/IP stack, GUI
Miami Deluxe 1.0c68k10.04.2000Shareware TCP/IP stack, GUI
MiamiSmbPw 68k Freeware tool to use Miami/Samba with encrypted passwords
Miaou 0.1beta2PPC02.05.2005FreewareHPaudio input recorder
mICQ 0.5.3PPC18.05.2007OpenSource text-mode ICQ
MicroEMACS 3.1068k27.03.1989Freeware port of EMACS like text editor
MicroGoldED 68k Freeware text editor
MicroWorld 1.068k17.12.2003Freeware logical game
miJFIF 1.99PPC
18.10.2006FreewareHPJFIF, BMP 8/24/32bit, ILBM, ZX.SCR viewer
Miliarderzy 1.0PPC
05.03.2005Freeware quiz game
MilkyTracker 0.90.80PPC27.04.2008OpenSourceHPAn XM/MOD tracker
MinAD 1.7PPC06.03.2012OpenSource Minimalistic viewer for AutoDoc-files
Mindless 0.1.2PPC21.09.2005Freeware Mastermind clone
MineClone 1.2a68k03.11.1994Cardware an excellent minesweeper style game
minicrc 0.2.2PPC23.10.2004OpenSourceHPcalculate CRC32 checksums
MiniShowPicture 1.62PPC03.06.2004FreewareHPpicture viewer
MiniShowText 2.0PPC06.08.2004Freeware simple text viewer
MirrorMagic 2.0.2PPC24.10.2004OpenSourceHPAmiga Mindbender like logical game
MissDriller 0.5PPC16.02.2008OpenSourceHPdrill you through the level
MisterBanana 1.3PPC01.02.2006FreewareHPlittle fellow for your desktop
MJ-More 0.168k11.07.1994Freeware MUI based ascii text viewer
mkisofs 2.0PPC04.01.2003OpenSourceHPISO image builder (devdump, isodebug, isodump, isoinfo, isovfy, mkisofs)
MLDonkey 3.1.0PPC04.12.2011OpenSourceHPmulti-platform, multi-networks peer-to-peer client: eDonkey, Overnet, Bittorrent, Gnutella (Bearshare, Limewire, ...), Gnutella2 (Shareaza), Fasttrack (Kazaa, Imesh, Grobster), Soulseek, Direct-Connect and Opennap
MMKeyboard 4.11PPC27.02.2009FreewareHPmultimedia keyboard driver
mnglib 2.0PPC03.01.2009OpenSourceHPMultiple-image Network Graphics library (1.0.10)
ModernArt 2.0PPC11.09.2009FreewareHPblanker for MorphOS. It draws psychedelic circles all over the screen producing multicoloured pieces of random modern art and will relax the mind and enrich the soul during those break times
Mole Invasion 0.3PPC27.09.2006OpenSource simple Jump'n Run game
MomosIRC 2.3PPC27.12.2014FreewareHPIRC client
Montex PPC04.07.2006FreewareHPplugin for players with AmigaAMP plugin interface (AmiNetRadio)
Moonlander 1.0pre1PPC01.02.2006OpenSource landing on the Moon
Moor 2.668k11.04.1994Shareware text viewer
More 50.6PPC03.02.2010MorphOS text viewer
MoreText 0.5168k08.03.1995Freeware Text/AmigaGuide/HTML viewer, CLI
MorphED 1.3PPC24.11.2004MorphOS text editor (modules for C, HTML, etc.), part of MOS SDK
MorphOS 3.16PPC09.03.2022CommercialHPPowerPC operating system, microkernel, morphos-3.16-hybrid.hdimg (SD Card / USB Image for Efika, Sam460, X5000)
MorphOS Exec Monitor 1.622PPC02.10.2006FreewareHPsystem information monitor, fully skinable
MorphOS In Detail 10 pages about MorphOS, Nicholas Blachford, PDF, english
MorphOS SDK 1.0PPC24.11.2004MorphOSHPsoftware developer kit (GCC, G++) and documentation (MorphOS ELF), incl. grep etc.
MorphOS SDK 3.16 (20220309)PPC09.03.2022MorphOSHPMorphOS 3.16 Software Development Kit (GCC, C++), incl. source code editor Scribble, Lua interpreter
MorphOS Upgrade 1.34 LhAPPC08.05.2009FreewareHPnon-official MorphOS update package - mix of system files and programs
MorphOS 1.4.x Update Pack 1.0PPC01.01.2009FreewareHPupdate pack for the now out-of-date MorphOS 1.4.x which includes various minor improvements
MorphOS 2.1 System Includes PPC14.09.2008FreewareHPpackage of MorphOS 2.1 system includes (for MorphOS SDK)
MorphOS 3D Update R2PPC10.06.2006MorphOSHPupdated 3D drivers for MorphOS 1.4.5, 3D support for ATI Radeon cards
MorphOSPointers 1.01PPC26.03.2009Freeware some nice pointers for MorphOS 2, 8 pointer sets (124 separate pointers)
MorphQS+ 1.05PPC25.11.2005Freeware MorphOS skin
MorphTray 0.5PPC31.12.2004Freeware small windows like Tray app
Morphtris 1.3PPC14.09.2007MorphOSHPTetris in window
MorphUP 1.02PPC22.02.2009OpenSource package managment system for installing, updating
MorphVNC 1.4PPC26.08.2005FreewareHPVNC client
Morph3D 3.1PPC24.06.2006Freeware demo like Windows MORPH screen saver
MOS-Creator 0.6PPC13.04.2009Freeware vector graphic program
MOSNet 1.2PPC11.06.2006OpenSource TCP/IP protocol stack with dhcp support (formerly ezTCP), MorphOS 1.x
Most 1.5668k26.04.1994Freeware textviewer - XPK, Pipes, locale, ARexx support
MouseEyes 1.0PPC28.08.2009FreewareHPscreenbar plugin that displays fun, user-configurable eyes that apparently look at and follow the mouse pointer no matter where it goes
Mpeg2Enc+ 1.4PPC22.10.1999FreewareHPencoder MPEG 1/2
mpeg2vidcodec 1.2PPC27.07.2005Freeware MPEG-2 encoder / decoder
Mpgtx 1.3.1PPC06.08.2005FreewareHPcommand line MPEG audio/video/system file toolbox
MPlayer 1.1 SVN 21.05.2015PPC05.08.2015OpenSourceHPmovie player with GUI (DVD, AVI, DivX, MPG, QT, MOV, WMV...), mencoder included, AltiVec support for MorphOS 2.x & PowerPC G4
mp3ai PPC26.10.2004FreewareHPdisplays information and total playtime of MP3 files given as arguments, it also shows ID3v1.1 info and tries to be broken-MP3-resistant
MrMazinga 0.8PPC03.02.2006Freeware the bananas killer
MTool 2.3PPC20.09.2006OpenSourceHPdirectory utility
Muchmore 4.668k13.03.1995Freeware soft scrolling text viewer with xpk-support, fullscreen
MUI Royale 1.7PPC
01.10.2017FreewareHPplugin for Hollywood that allows you to create MUI GUIs
MUI 4 2007-12-23 BetaPPC23.12.2007MorphOSHPMagic User Interface, latest version recommended for MorphOS 1.4.5
MUIbase 3.2PPC27.07.2016FreewareHPa programmable relational database with GUI
MUIBuilder 2.3PPC18.01.2010Freeware MUI builder
MUICON 50.37PPC21.02.2007FreewareHPMUI based concole handler with own terminal (PowerTerm 50.70)
MUIFind 0.56bPPC14.08.2004Freeware MorphOS Version of MUIFind search utility
muigfx 1.0PPC10.09.2007FreewareHPmuigfx.library was removed from MUI distribution, preventing the Voyager web brower from working, this reimplementation fixes this problem
MUIMine 1.2PPC30.08.2004OpenSource mine clone
MUIPlus PPC08.10.2004FreewareHPC++ wrapper classes for MorphOS MUI
MultiIndicator 2.368k16.12.1994Freeware shows ASCII-texts, binaries and AmigaGuide
multimedia.class 52.15PPC19.06.2009FreewareHPthe base class of Reggae framework. Contains also Reggae API as a shared library function set
MultiRacer 1.0.4 beta 7PPC21.12.2014OpenSourceHPautomobilové závody
multiread.buffer 51.6PPC19.06.2009FreewareHPReggae system class used by the framework for building decoding trees. The class allows for peeking datastream multiple times. Requires multimedia.class 52.14+
MultiRen 1.6868k02.08.2009FreewareHPpowerful multi-file renaming tool
Multisample 68k23.08.1994Cardware Amiga/ST/PC sound sample convertor
Multiview 3.8PPC06.04.2015MorphOS multiviewer, the datatype frontend
Mures 0.5PPC19.09.2005OpenSource clone of Sega's Chu Chu Rocket
myKalah PPC
 Freeware derived from a game called Mancala/Kalah that originated in Africa
MyNotes 0.568k01.01.2003FreewareHPsimple MUI based QuickNote clone
MySQL 4.1.0PPC OpenSourceHPSQL server
MysticView 1.8PPC11.06.2008MorphOS picture viewer
myTetris PPC Freeware tetris
nano 2.1.2PPC27.06.2008OpenSource an enhanced clone of the Pico text editor
Napalm 1.168k27.07.2016CommercialHPA real-time strategy game. See also
NcFTP 3.2.2PPC17.02.2009FreewareHPshell FTP client
Ncoder PPC Freeware MP3 encoder/decoder
Net Bubble 0.95PPC03.11.2003Freeware puzzle game
Nether Earth 0.52.2PPC12.01.2006OpenSourceHPZX Spectrum strategy game 3D OpenGL remake
NetPanzer 0.8PPC06.10.2005OpenSourceHPan online multiplayer tactical warfare game
NetPrinter 1.14PPC
22.04.2009FreewareHPdriver for network printing
NetPrinter 1.15PPC02.02.2012MorphOSHPdriver for network printing
NetSurf 2.0 SrcPPC
18.01.2009OpenSourceHPsource code for NetSurf 2.0 MorphOS port
NetSurf 2.0 Dev SVN 6141PPC18.01.2009OpenSourceHPCSS capable web browser
NetToe PPC26.10.2002OpenSource Tic Tac Toe Game playable over network or against AI
NetTools 1.0PPC19.02.2005Freeware networking TraceRoute/Ping/Resolve tools
Neverball Neverputt PPC OpenSourceHPpart puzzle game, part action game, and entirely a test of skill
New Dawn Fades PPC31.03.2002FreewareHP3D demo, Madwizards, Mekka & Symposium 2002 (8.)
NewFilemaster 3.1 Beta 868k06.10.2007Freeware Multitasking file manager, bugfixed
NewsCoaster 1.64p1 MOSPPC11.01.2011OpenSourceHPMUI-based newsreader, for both online and offline reading
NewWait4Port 1.1PPC03.11.2005Freeware Replacement for WaitForPort command
Next 4.068k17.09.2011Freeware viewer for IBM/MSDos text, Macintosh text, MacBin, FTXT, RTF, soubory MSHelp, Unix manual pages, MSWord, MacWord, MSWrite, WordPerfect, FinalWriter and WordWorth
Nicky Boum 0.2.0PPC13.04.2008OpenSource a classic platformer game
Niflheim - Souls Feast 1.01PPC31.08.2005FreewareHP3D action game, Quake III MOD (total conversion)
Nightlong PPC Commercial adventure game
NJam 1.25PPC16.02.2007FreewareHPpacman clone, multiplayer or duel
No Sync PPC26.05.2003Freeware 3D demo, Universe, Equinoxe 2003
No Sync Iz Back PPC27.05.2003Freeware 3D demo, Universe, IGDRP 2
Nofrendo 2.0pre1PPC21.08.2002OpenSource Nintendo NES emulator
Noiz2sa 0.51PPC02.06.2005OpenSourceHPan abstract shot em up
nokiatagger PPC18.01.2008OpenSource a tool to tag mp4 files for Nokia phones
Normalize 0.7.7PPC17.02.2009FreewareHPadjust Volume of audio files
Nostalgia PPC13.10.2004Freeware MorphOS skin, styl AmigaOS 1.x
Nowhere 1.0PPC02.05.2005FreewareHPplugin for players with AmigaAMP plugin interface (Kaya, AmiNetRadio)
NoWinED 0.82PPC
01.05.2010OpenSourceHPNoWinED is a MUI-based TextEditor that can handle more files simultaneously, using different \\\"pages\\\" for each file.
nrg2iso 0.4PPC13.02.2005OpenSourceHPconvertor CD (or DVD) image generated by Nero Burning Rom to ISO format
06.02.2009FreewareHPNew Technology Filesystem (NTFS) driver, NTFS 0.8 on MorphOS 2.2 CD - contributions
NTFS-3G-MorphOS R4PPC27.05.2013OpenSourceHPport of NTFS-3G 2013.1.13, req. MorphOS 3.2+
NTPSync 2.3PPC03.02.2006Freeware synchronizes your system clock via NTP
Numeric 24.2PPC27.03.2007OpenSourceHPNumerical Extension to Python
Nunexus PPC14.05.2003Freeware MorphOS skin
nzbDirect 1.0PPC28.05.2005Freeware GUI for web-based nzb search-engines and plugin for BullDog
nzbGet 1.00PPC04.09.2007Freeware NNTP NZB-Client, download nzb-files from usenet via shell
n2w PPC18.05.2005OpenSource Convert numbers to words
Objc 3.2.7PPC26.09.2005OpenSource Object compiler
Object Browser 1.2PPC
19.11.2008FreewareHPObject Browser / System Explorer
ODE 1.1aPPC30.12.2005OpenSourceHPOpen Dynamics Engine library
odg-import PPC27.07.2009Freeware PageStream module, Draw import
Odi 0.5PPC20.02.2009Freeware vector graphics server
Odyssey Web Browser 1.24PPC15.04.2014OpenSourceHPOWB, the best browser for MorphOS with HTML5 media support, based on Origyn Web Browser (core WebKit)
Odyssey Web Browser 1.19 No SVGPPC06.02.2013OpenSourceHPOWB, the best browser for MorphOS with HTML5 media support, based on Origyn Web Browser (core WebKit), SVG disabled, uses less memory
Ofour 2.0PPC13.03.2005Freeware MorphOS skin, OS 4 styled
OilWar 1.2.1PPC19.09.2005OpenSource really simple mouse-shooter
One Day Miracle PPC09.03.2003OpenSourceHP64k intro, FIT, Assembly 2002
Onefive PPC13.06.2004Freeware MorphOS skin
OpenAL PPC21.05.2007OpenSourceHPcross-platform 3D audio API
OpenArena 1.32bPPC04.01.2008OpenSourceHP3D game, total conversion of Quake III Arena, free available openarena datafiles at HP
OpenBOR v3 build 2859 R4PPC26.10.2010OpenSourceHPOpenBOR v3 engine for MorphOS
OpenJPEG 1.3PPC17.02.2009OpenSourceHPOpenJPEG library is an open-source JPEG 2000 codec written in C language
OpenPCI 2.1PPC
06.06.2005FreewareHPOpen Source PCI Bus driver projekt
OpenPCI SDK 2.1PPC29.02.2008FreewareHPOpenPCI2 software developer kit
OpenPCI 8139 Device 1.2b4PPC
06.06.2005FreewareHPMiami/MiamiDX SANA2 driver for RTL8139A/B/C/D network card
OpenPictureSpace 2.5PPC06.05.2005Freeware display a directory with pictures in thumb view
OpenRedAlert 407PPC17.09.2008OpenSourceHPCommand & Conquer: Red Alert, binary (req. freeware Red Alert datadiscs)
OpenSSH 4.1p1PPC20.12.2005FreewareHPSSH protocol
OpenSSL 0.97lPPC01.12.2006OpenSourceHPport of OpenSSL 0.97l
OpenTTD 0.6.3PPC02.10.2008OpenSourceHPOpen Transport Tycoon Deluxe, strategy fame
OpenTyrian 1.0PPC04.01.2008OpenSourceHPshoot'em up game, reimplementation of Tyrian
OpenURL 7.16PPC21.03.2015OpenSourceHPlibrary was created to make it easier for application programmers to include clickable URLs in their applications, about windows, etc.
MorphOS 2.7+ includes OpenURL 8.1 (22.09.2009)
Optimum PPC26.06.2005OpenSource Optimum demogroup SDL effects
OptiPNG 0.7.5PPC13.04.2014OpenSourceHPPNG lossless optimizer (reduces filesize)
Organiser 68k Commercial tool to manage events, contacts and tasks
OS4Emu 2.0PPC13.07.2008FreewareHPOS4 API emulator
Othello PPC26.10.2002Freeware othello
otrMUI 1.1PPC14.03.2008FreewareHPotrdecoder, online TV recorder (
Own Love Balance PPC23.03.2003FreewareHPdemo, Madwizards, Equinoxe 2003 (1.)
PageStream 468k CommercialHPDTP program
Pachi el marciano 1.0aPPC09.09.2007FreewareHPplatform game inspired by Manic Miner
PairsNG 2.4 Demo68k17.04.2004Shareware logical game
Papyrus Office X PPC CommercialHPoffice bundle compatible with Microsoft Office
parallel.device 51.3PPC03.06.2006MorphOSHPupdated parallel.device for MorphOS 1.4.x, fixes blockage when there's nothing connected to the port and partial loss of printouts
passwd 1.2PPC01.03.2012OpenSource simple password protection on boot
Pathmania PPC25.03.2008OpenSourceHPWay of the Jelly, maze game
Payback DemoPPC
 CommercialHPGTA 1/2 like game, 3D, (68k version with sound - req. audio.device)
PC Task 468k Commercial IBM PC emulator
PCITool 3.0PPC
28.12.2013FreewareHPshow some informations about your Pci-Cards
pcre.library 0.2PPC05.03.2005OpenSourceHPPerl regular expression library with ARexx support
pcx.decoder 51.5PPC26.12.2007FreewareHPthe class decodes ZSoft PCX pictures, update for Reggae-D
pcx.demuxer 51.1PPC26.12.2007FreewareHPthe class is a Reggae demultiplexer for ZSoft PCX images, update for Reggae-D
Pdftohtml 0.36PPC16.09.2004OpenSource translates PDF documents into HTML format
PdfToHtml/Ps 0.31/0.90PPC29.05.2001Freeware convert PDF Documents to HTML
pdksh 5.2.14PPC11.01.2007OpenSource port of recent pdksh shell used in GG enviroment
Pegasos 2b5 01.11.2005FreewareHPPegasos II rev 2B5 Schematics, PDf (524 KB)
Pegged 68k02.09.1995Freeware logical game
Penguin Command 1.6.9PPC17.09.2005OpenSource Missile command with nice gfx and sound
Peperoni 1.5e68k11.05.1998Freeware AppIcon frontend for LHA/LZX/ZIP
Perfect Paint WIP68k16.08.2008Freeware bitmap graphics editor, update 7.9.2008
Perl 5.6.1PPC05.09.2004Freeware Practical Extraction and Report Language
Personal Paint 768k Commercial bitmap graphics editor
PFS3 5.368k22.04.2011OpenSourceHPProfessional File System III (original from 1999, now free and open-source)
PGU 0.10.1PPC08.03.2007OpenSourceHPpyGame Utilities - game libs, GUI and tools (level editor) for Python
Photofolio 268k Commercial catalogue, view, or store images
Photogenics 568k Commercial graphics editor, effects
Photogenics 468k Commercial graphics editor, effects
PHP 4.4.9PPC22.02.2009OpenSourceHPPHP is a widely-used general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for Web development and can be embedded into HTML. (CLI and FastCGI Version)
PHP 5.2.6PPC17.08.2008OpenSourceHPPHP basic version
PhysicsFS 1.1.0PPC19.02.2008OpenSourceHPlibrary to provide abstract access to various archives
PicShow 31.438PPC01.02.2009FreewareHPpicture viewer
PicView 2.0468k14.10.1996Freeware picture viewer, thumbnails (v2.07 - 1997-12-23 - HP removed)
Pig PPC24.03.2005OpenSource simple pig game
PIL 1.1.7 SVN r10PPC11.06.2010OpenSourceHPPython imaging library
Pingus 0.7.2PPC08.12.2009OpenSource Game similar to Lemmings, but with penguins.
PIP 0.1 betaPPC11.10.2004FreewareHPPicture In Picture, program to watch screens within screens, can also record sequences of pictures and create a MPEG movie using FFMPEG
PipePanic 0.1.3PPC23.07.2006OpenSource a pipe connecting game
Pishti 1.168k07.06.2001Freeware popular Turkish card game
Pixel32 PPC CommercialHPPaint Shop Pro like graphics editor
PkCrack 1.2.2PPC09.08.2005Freeware decrypts password protected ZIP archives
PlanetPenguin Racer 0.5PPC OpenSourceHPTux races down steep, snow-covered mountains
Plasma PPC10.07.2005OpenSource Plasma SDL effect
PlayOGG 14050868k08.05.2014FreewareHPmulti format sound player
PMON Module - An Example of Writing Kernel Module Code for Debian 2.6 on Genesi Pegasos II Rev. 101.12.2004FreewareHPAN2744 : PMON Module - An Example of Writing Kernel Module Code for Debian 2.6 on Genesi Pegasos II (PDF, 16 pages, english)
pngcrush 1.6.15PPC06.03.2009OpenSource PNG optimizer
PNGNQ 0.4.1PPC20.06.2006OpenSourceHPa tool for quantizing PNG images (pngnq, pngcomp)
png2ico PPC16.10.2004OpenSourceHPconverts PNG files to Windows icon resource files
png2linuxlogo 1.02PPC19.10.2004OpenSourceHPpng2linuxlogo takes an 80x80 color-mapped (palette-based) PNG of 223 or fewer colors and converts it to a header file suitable for inclusion in the Linux kernel as the full-color boot logo
Poet Plus 1.1+PPC
18.08.2006OpenSource generates random poetry
PointIt 1.0PPC20.02.2009FreewareHPactivates windows under mouse pointer, alternatively it can also bring windows to front.
PointRider 0.50PPC12.02.2008FreewareHPPowerPoint document viewer, req. PowerSDL
poker-eval 133.0PPC31.12.2006OpenSourceHPC library to evaluate poker hands
PolyGlot 0.65 BetaPPC20.05.2010FreewareHPMSN client
PolyNET NG 1.47PPC04.04.2009FreewareHPIcon bar, req. PolyNetNG_Common a MUI4.
PolyOrganiser 1.16PPC30.10.2009FreewareHPgeneral tool to manage events, contacts and tasks
PortablE r6 betaPPC
11.12.2015FreewareHPrecreation of the AmigaE programming language, along with many improvements, supports AmigaOS 3, AmigaOS 4, AROS, MorphOS, Windows
Poseidon 3.3PPC24.02.2006MorphOS Poseidon USB Stack, req. MUI 4.0
PostgreSQL 6.3.2PPC30.08.2005OpenSource PostgreSQL Data Base Management System
Potrace 1.9PPC30.01.2011OpenSourceHPtransform bitmaps into vector SVG graphics
Povray 3.6.1PPC21.11.2005OpenSourceHPPersistence of Vision Raytracer, raytracing program
PowerD 0.31PPC
01.08.2010Freeware D programming language, MorphOS support
PowerPC - Prezentace 28.04.2004FreewareHPPowerPC presentation slides, Lukas Stehlik - Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague (PDF, 17 pages, czech)
PowerPC - Referat 28.09.2004FreewareHPpaper about PowerPC, Lukas Stehlik - Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague (PDF, 20 pages, czech), online updated version Czech PUG: PowerPC
PowerSDL 16.1PPC22.12.2013OpenSourceHPSimple DirectMedia Layer (SDL) library
PowerSDL SDK 16.1PPC22.12.2013OpenSource SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer) software developer kit for MorphOS
PowerSDL SRC 16.1PPC22.12.2013OpenSource knihovna Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL) - source codes
ppmtovic 1.1PPC22.04.2009FreewareHPconversion utilities between PPM and VIC20 formats (ppmtovic, victoppm)
PProxy PPC12.06.2001Freeware Personal Proxy, little Proxy with cache
PrBoom 2.5.0PPC14.06.2009OpenSourceHPA free Doom/Doom II clone. Full screen or window mode. Bundled with Freedoom IWAD file (
Primate Plunge 1.1aPPC13.07.2007OpenSourceHPsmall platform game
Prism2 1.7PPC
10.02.2008OpenSource driver for 11Mbps wireless network cards
Privoxy 3.0.8PPC31.03.2008OpenSourceHPweb proxy
ProPlayer 1.3PPC16.01.2004Freeware MOD player
ProStationAudio PPC MorphOSHPmusic editor (MorphOS SuperBundle)
Převodník 1.4768k24.05.2000Shareware czech texts and catalogs converter
psmark 2.1PPC23.10.2004OpenSource psmark renders a vertical string on any PostScript document
pspSaveGameMan 2.0PPC21.05.2007FreewareHPmanager for the savegames of a Sony Playstation Portable (PSP)
pth 2.0.7PPC20.04.2008OpenSourceHPGNU Pth - The GNU Portable Threads
PtpDigCam 2.2PPC09.04.2007FreewareHPconnect a PTP digital camera
PTPlayLibrary 2.5PPC25.01.2006OpenSourceHPProTracker player library
pucrunch 1.11PPC24.06.2008Freeware A cruncher for CBM executables and Z80
PullDog 2.0PPC11.03.2008Freeware programm to download from usenet using the NZB-descriptor files
pure-ftpd 1.0.21PPC16.01.2007OpenSource secure FTP server
Pushover 0.0.3PPC18.05.2011OpenSourceHPlogic game
Puzzle 68k13.06.1995Freeware simple puzzle game
Puzzle 0.1.1PPC10.03.2007OpenSource puzzle, nice pictures
Pygame 1.9.1PPC11.06.2010OpenSourceHPmodule to code games in Python and SDL, needs MorphOS 2.x and Python2.5 r134 or better
PyMUI 0.6 SVN r254PPC12.02.2012FreewareHPMUI Python library
Python 3.2.2 r176PPC25.02.2012OpenSourceHPPython programming language
Python 2.5.4 r165PPC13.02.2012OpenSourceHPPython programming language
p7zip 4.65PPC19.04.2009OpenSource 7-zip incl. script for MorphOS Ambient
Q 0.1PPC31.10.2004OpenSource logical game
QOpenWB 1.0PPC
11.06.2006OpenSource open Ambient/WB window from the shell
Quadromania 0.2PPC24.03.2005OpenSource logical game
Quake GL PPC04.10.2005Commercial GLQuake, BlitzQuake and PanoramicQuake (MOS freeware + PC game data), GLQuake
Quake I 2.30PPC05.10.2005Commercial 3D action game (opensource + PC game data)
Quake II PPC17.03.2006Commercial 3D action game (req. PC game data)
Quake III Arena R2PPC15.09.2008Commercial 3D action game (opensource + PC game data)
Quake III Rally PPC21.08.2005Freeware 3D racing game, Quake III MOD
QuickNote 1.4a68k14.03.2001Freeware notepad for scrap-notes
QuickSketch 1.0368k21.05.2005FreewareHPsimple WB-prg to sketch and write in
R 3.0PPC06.03.2009MorphOSHPjust in time GUIs for nearly any DOS cmd
R 3.11PPC
29.03.2009FreewareHPjust in time GUIs for nearly any DOS cmd
RadioScript 1.08PPC25.04.2014OpenSource Arexx script for MPlayer, GUI, play internet radio/TV station, DVD, Divix and different music formats
RamSpeed 1.42PPC03.11.2004OpenSourceHPcache & memory benchmarking tool
Raw 0.1.0PPC09.05.2004Freeware Another World conversion (req. PC data Out Of The World)
RC-FTPd 2.7468k24.11.2002FreewareHPFTP server, MUI
RDesktopMUI 1.1PPC
30.01.2005FreewareHPRemote Desktop MUI is a nice end-user interface for controlling the Remote Desktop application
ReAction for MorphOS 1.0aPPC
 FreewareHPReAction files suitable for MorphOS. You will now be able to run ReAction software such as AmiArcadia, CodeWar, MCE and Report+ under MorphOS.
Real3D 3.568k FreewareHPmodelling and animation package
ReBirth PPC05.08.2004FreewareHP4k demo, Humus5, Assembly 2004
Red Alert - Allied Disc PPC
29.08.2008Freeware datadisk pro OpenRedAlert
Red Alert - Soviet Disc PPC
29.08.2008Freeware datadisc for OpenRedAlert
Reggae DPPC04.08.2007FreewareHPobject oriented multimedia processing framework, for MorphOS 1.x
Reggae Update FPPC19.06.2011FreewareHPobject oriented multimedia processing framework, update for MorphOS 2.7
Relax 2.1PPC01.03.2012OpenSource Control tool for 8-bit relay-cards
REminiscence 0.19PPC28.07.2007OpenSourceHPFlashback conversion (req. PC data)
Remote Desktop MUI BetaPPC07.03.2006FreewareHPremote client for Windows
Remote Desktop 1.6PPC22.02.2013DonationwareHPremote client for Windows
RenderLib 40.8PPC
21.03.2005Freeware image processing kernel
Replex transport stream from a DVB
Report+ 7.93+PPC14.09.2020FreewareHPReAction-based utility with nine functions:
It is a user-friendly, compatible replacement for the official Commodore bug reporting tool (V40.2), optionally sending emails automatically.
It can generate/edit Aminet-style and OS4Depot-style readmes.
It can edit A3000/A4000-type battery-backed memory.
It can access the official manufacturer and product ID registries.
It can view IFF/RIFF files and their component chunks.
It can perform batch processing on icon files.
It can convert between various ASCII encodings.
It can show directory byte usage for any path, optionally also fixing protection bits and/or deleting files.
It can take a snapshot of a path and later compare the path against this, showing added, missing and changed files.
Reslib 0.4PPC28.07.2006Freeware library to help detect memory leaks
Return To Castle Wolfenstein PPC06.07.2011OpenSourceHPReturn to Castle Wolfenstein, Return to Castle Wolfenstein Special Edition and Platinum Edition
Return To Castle Wolfenstein - source code 06.07.2011OpenSourceHPReturn to Castle Wolfenstein, source code of MorphOS version
RexxMustHave 23.3PPC23.12.2007FreewareHPRexx Must Have functions
re2c 0.13.5PPC30.10.2008OpenSourceHPScanner generator f. regular expressions
rhc 1.0PPC01.03.2012OpenSource a polymorphic cipher
rhErase 1.2PPC01.03.2012OpenSource Simple erase-tool for serious files, six different and strong modes
rhLaunch 0.8PPC21.06.2014OpenSource E-UAE GUI
Righteous! 0.6PPC23.07.2006OpenSource Tetris like logical game
Ri-Li 2.0.0PPC13.11.2006OpenSourceHPa snake game
Ripper 2.51PPC13.06.2004FreewareHPMUI CDDA ripper support for many audio formats
Ripple 1.1 WOSPPC28.04.1998Freeware funky rippling water effect on your WB screen
Rival 1.2bPPC25.04.2010FreewareHPcompare two directories recursivelly, GUI
RLEpack 1.3PPC02.04.2008OpenSourceHPde- / crunches with RLE any kind of binary data
rman 3.2 guidePPC13.06.2007OpenSource converts man pages to AGuide
Roadfighter 1.0PPC21.02.2005Freeware car racing, Konami clone
Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood DemoPPC13.11.2006CommercialHPstrategy, do not only take on the role of the hero Robin Hood, but also the roles of his faithful vassals and take them to the battle field against the nasty Prince John Lackland
Rock! Paper! Scissors! 1.3PPC27.11.2003Freeware game Rock! Paper! Scissors!
RocksNDiamonds Boulder Dash clone
RollerCoaster2000 1.1.0PPC FreewareHPsimulates a Rollercoaster
Roulette 1.168k23.01.1997Freeware roulette game
RoyalBridge 1.168k03.11.1998Freeware Arexx external function library which acts as a bridge to any Amiga shared library
rRotage 0.23PPC OpenSourceHPshoot em up
rss2html 0.2.3PPC31.08.2005Freeware RSS to HTML converter
13.10.1998Freeware ReTargetable Graphics
RTGMaster 42.2PPC07.09.2009FreewareHPrtgmaster.library rewrite for MorphOS (req. RTG 42.0)
rtl_8139pci.device 50.12PPC05.06.2006MorphOSHPupdated rtl_8193pci.device for MorphOS 1.4.x, fixed to handle 100mbit speeds properly with rtl network cards
Ruby 1.9.0PPC16.02.2007OpenSourceHPinterpreted scripting language
RunDOS 1.2.5PPC
22.02.2006Freeware run MS-DOS soft by clicking on the icon
RxMUI 42.768k23.01.2008FreewareHPARexx MUI Library
SAB 2.2PPC01.03.2012OpenSource SAB (Secure Address Book with AES encryption on MUI)
Sable 0.4PPC31.01.2006OpenSourceHP3D shooter
SabreMSN Alpha 0.7068k04.04.2010Freeware MSN client
Saga: Age of Heroes 1.91PPC06.09.2018OpenSourceHPconversion of the 1981 TSR boardgame
Samba 2.0.7 w125168k16.06.2002OpenSourceHPSamba client and server
Samba 3.0.4PPC22.06.2004OpenSourceHPSamba for MorphOS, Alpha version
Samba 2.2.5 bin 68k68k20.05.2006OpenSourceHPSamba client and server port
Samba 2.2.5 base68k OpenSource Samba client and server port, base package
Samba Upd 3.0.4PPC22.06.2004OpenSourceHPupdated Samba server for MorphOS Samba
Samplemanager 2.068k23.05.2008FreewareHPAHI sample-editor (AIFF, WAV, MAUD, 8SVX, CDDA, RAW, MP1/2/3), realtime effects
Sashimi 1.8.1PPC30.03.2009FreewareHPintercepts raw serial debug output from applications (improved Drop-in replacement for Sushi)
SavED 1.268k20.04.1999Freeware HEX-editor
Scalar 1.02PPC11.07.2006OpenSource puzzle game
Scalos Beta 41.7PPC15.03.2010FreewareHPWorkbench like MorphOS desktop
SCANdal 1.5PPC25.03.2011FreewareHPscanner utility, supports BetaScan drivers (form. known as MUI Scan)
scm2wav 0.1PPC26.10.2004OpenSourceHPscm2wav extracts sound files from an ICQ sound scheme file
Scout 3.6PPC24.04.2006Freeware system monitor and task manager
Scramble 0.9.5PPC27.04.2005OpenSource logical game
Screen Recorder 1.1PPC18.12.2009Freeware a program for generating video sequences of computer display activity
ScreenArt 1.1.1PPC26.06.2005OpenSource Dizzying eye candy SDL demo
Scriba 1.9.7PPC14.09.2013FreewareHPsimple word processor
SCSIConfig 1.36PPC03.10.2002MorphOSHPpartitioning tool (MorphOS 1.x)
scube 1.1PPC08.07.2012FreewareHPopened screens on sides of 3D cube
ScuiLib 0.6 betaPPC
01.03.2008Freeware GUI library for Hollywood
ScummVM 1.5.0PPC05.08.2012OpenSourceHPadventure game engine, LucasArts (Monkey Island, Indiana Jones, etc.)
SDDapple 0.14PPC06.10.2005OpenSource Apple II emulator
SDL Demos PPC29.07.2002OpenSourceHPvarious SDL demos
SDL Lopan 1.0PPC23.06.2009OpenSourceHPpuzzle game, mahjong
SDL Ludo 0.3PPC30.10.2005OpenSourceHPLudo clone
SDL Zombies 1.0.0PPC18.09.2005OpenSource ZX81 Zombies remake
SDLBasic PPC18.06.2006OpenSourceHPSimple sdlBasic interpreter
SDLtetris PPC25.03.2008OpenSourceHPtetris
searchprogdir 1.00PPC02.01.2011Freeware searchprogdir help to find the path of your prog
SearchStar 0.97cPPC28.11.2010Freeware fast filefinder, search thru files, into filecomments and list/copy files
Serialecho 50.7PPC09.02.2014OpenSourceHPdumps a line to serial debug output
Sermonatrix 0.6PPC23.05.2011Freeware An IRC client with extendable message processing based on Lua scripts. It has MUI based graphics interface a bit resembling AmIRC, but provides many new features, like per-channel charset conversion, jumping to last read line, automatic grouping of messages and more. Written by Antoine (Czeko) Dubourg.
SetTaskPri 1.168k26.02.2000FreewareHPsets the priority of a task/process, MUI GUI
setup3snd 1.0PPC19.06.2005FreewareHPPegasos: enable SigmaTel 9766 3d sound
SeventhSense 0.14bPPC03.04.2006Freeware web update detector
SFS Recover Tool 0.01PPC03.06.2005Freeware recover tool for SFS partitions
SFSDoctor 1.1PPC02.06.2006FreewareHPrecover tool for SFS partitions
SFSDoctor 1.6PPC31.10.2009MorphOSHPrecover tool for SFS partitions
SFSCheck 2.45PPC30.10.2005Freeware utility to check a SmartFileSystem device structure
SFSResize 1.0PPC21.06.2005FreewareHPtool to change the size of a SFS partition
sge2d 0.9.2PPC21.12.2012OpenSource SDL Game Engine
SGI XFS 0.8PPC03.12.2006FreewareHPSGI XFileSystem (XFS) driver
SGI XFS 0.10PPC29.11.2008MorphOSHPSGI XFileSystem (XFS) driver (PPC/MOS/DOS64)
SGrab 1.22PPC
29.10.2002GiftwareHPScreen grabber with GUI
Shanghai-AmIPlug 1.2PPC24.03.2009Freeware AmIRC 3+: redirects Server-Messages from the Main-Window to the Info-Window
shapng 1.1PPC01.03.2012OpenSource convert sha256 of file to PNG-image
SHA256 1.2PPC01.06.2008OpenSourceHPutility to generate SHA256 Message Digest from files
sha256ht 1.1PPC01.03.2012OpenSource sha256ht (SHA256 HashTree)
Shogo DemoPPC CommercialHP3D action game (demo-update)
Shorten 3.6.1PPC17.02.2009OpenSourceHPshorten is a fast, low complexity waveform coder (i.e. audio compressor)
Shotgun Debugger 1.0.2PPC21.09.2006OpenSourceHP2D top-down action game, 3D world
ShowGirls 1.2PPC19.12.2009MorphOSHPpicture viewer, thumbnails
ShowPPC 2.11PPC16.02.2000Freeware picture viewer
Shrapnel PPC25.03.2008OpenSourceHPSpaceShooter
Shuffle 68k13.11.1996Freeware WB game, sliding blocks
Shuffle 1.23PPC17.06.2015MorphOSHPlogic game, addictive implementation of the famous Sliding Block Puzzle, often also known as 15 Puzzle, award-winning raytracing graphics, cool sound effects (req. Reggae)
SchismTracker 0.2aPPC07.06.2005OpenSourceHPTracker for XM, S3M, MOD and IT Modules
SID4Amiga 3.32PPC08.01.2001Freeware plays C64 Sid Music Files
SimCoupe 1.0PPC03.09.2007OpenSourceHPSAM Coupe emulator - British Z80-based home computer released in 1989 by Miles Gordon Technology
Simon The Sorcerer 2 68k Commercial adventure game
SimpleCam 2.6PPC06.03.2012OpenSource digital-Camera Software
SimpleCat 3.22PPC
31.01.2011FreewareHPPowerful CatComp replacement
SimpleFind3 1.268k22.02.2000Freeware file finder
SimpleMail 0.42PPC24.12.2015OpenSourceHPemail client
SimplePac 1.368k16.10.2000Freeware pacman
SimpleView 2.2oPPC18.12.2011Freeware view picture on Ambient/Screen, very fast and short
Simutrans 110.0.1PPC29.11.2011OpenSourceHPtransportation simulation game
Sketch 1.0PPC30.06.2008MorphOSHPimage painting application
Sky PPC30.08.2006Freeware MorphOS skin
Slideshow 1.5bPPC
07.04.2007FreewareHPSlideshow with massive Special FX
SlovenskoMOS PPC
03.01.2009Freeware Slovakia country for MorphOS and AmigaOS - EURO
SM Bounce PPC 1.0PPC13.06.1998Freeware bouncing boing ball, sample for StorMESA
SM Morph3D PPC 1.0PPC13.06.1998Freeware 3D morphing, sample for StormMESA
SM Olympic PPC 1.0PPC13.06.1998Freeware olympic, sample for StormMESA
SM Wave PPC 1.0PPC13.06.1998Freeware wave, sample for StormMESA
SmartInfo 1.0468k03.01.2000OpenSource SFSQuery and SFSdefragmentGUI replacement with MUI GUI
smbfs 1.7468k31.08.2009OpenSourceHPAmiga file system client for the SMB protocol, as used by \"Samba\" or the various Microsoft Windows operating systems for file and printer sharing services
SMC 0.95PPC19.02.2005OpenSource Super Mario Clone
Smokealot PPC10.02.2006Freeware MorphOS skin
Smokealot Grey PPC10.02.2006Freeware MorphOS skin
smpeg 0.4.4PPC30.05.2005OpenSource SDL MPEG Player library
SMSPlus 1.3PPC19.08.2006OpenSourceHPSegaMasterSystem and GameGear emulator
Snake II 68k16.12.1994Freeware WB Game ala Worm, Snake, Orm - but better
Snakee 0.2PPC02.02.2009OpenSourceHPA MUI-based wormgame with including source
Snakes Adders 68k11.07.1995Freeware worm game
Snakes Adders II 68k10.10.1996Freeware snake game
SnapIT 1.3PPC27.01.2014FreewareHPscreen grabber with GUI
Snapshoter 1.6.1PPC26.07.2011FreewareHPA Hollywood script with GUI for grabbing screens and windows and performing simple imageprocessing on them. Allows for inserting text and graphics primitives and layer based compositing. It can also capture video sequences.
SNES 9x 1.43PPC28.08.2004OpenSourceHPNintendo SNES emulator
SNES 9x Starter 2.3PPC05.11.2004FreewareHPSNES 9x emulator GUI
SnoopDOS 3.9PPC14.02.2007OpenSource system monitor
Snoopium 1.6PPC09.03.2008OpenSourceHPsystem monitoring tool
Snoopium 1.14PPC31.08.2014MorphOSHPsystem monitoring tool
Snowskin PPC13.11.2004Freeware MorphOS skin
SoftCinema 0.15PPC01.11.2001Shareware movie player (QT, MOV, AVI, ...)
Software Analysis on Genesi Pegasos II Using PMON and AltiVec 01.08.2004FreewareHPAN2743 : Software Analysis on Genesi Pegasos II Using PMON and AltiVec (PDF, 64 pages, english)
Software Tycoon PPC MorphOS strategy game (MorphOS SuperBundle)
Soko4MUI 1.1PPC13.10.2014Freeware Soko4MUI is inspired by the famous thinking game Sokoban. The game makes use of the MUI library and features modern graphics and sounds. To make solving the levels less difficult, there are options like "Undo", "Redo", "Restart level" and "Jump to level". Caution: The game might not work properly if you have got a screen height of less than 900 pixels. Some of the levels are from D.W. Skinner who allowed their free use by others as long as they are properly credited. Requires the following to libraries: - -
Soliton 2.2PPC16.03.2005OpenSourceHPcard game (Klondike, Freecell)
Solohalma 1.168k22.01.2000Freeware boardgame for one person
SongPlayer 1.62PPC27.02.2004FreewareHPmusic player (MP3...)
Sonic PPC Freeware throwing stones on figures
sonix 0.30PPC29.06.2011Freeware display/grab pictures from webcams sonix
SoulFu 1.5.2PPC28.12.2007OpenSourceHPSoulFu port, a Rouge-like 3D RPG with manga style graphic
Sound Datatypes Pack 2 PPC09.08.2004Freeware Unofficial update of sound datatypes
SoundMon 3.0PPC21.05.2005OpenSource music player
SoX 12.17.4PPC18.04.2004OpenSourceHPSound eXchange, sound format converter, play, effects
SoX 14.2.0PPC19.06.2009OpenSourceHPSound eXchange, sound format converter, play, effects
SoX 13.0.068k15.02.2007OpenSourceHPSound eXchange, sound format converter, play, effects
SoX 14.3.168k27.05.2010OpenSourceHPSound eXchange, sound format converter, play, effects
SpaceStation PPC30.08.2006Freeware MorphOS skin
SPatch 6.51 rel. 4PPC
15.08.2007OpenSource clone of SAS Binary File Patcher
Spectronix PPC15.07.2006FreewareHPplugin for players with AmigaAMP plugin interface (AmiNetRadio)
Splint 3.1.2PPC24.01.2009OpenSourceHPtool for statically checking C programs for security vulnerabilities and coding mistakes
Split PPC02.09.2006Freeware demo, Jumalauta
Sputnik Beta 4PPC19.04.2008OpenSourceHPweb browser based on the KHTML rendering engine, it is the first MorphOS browser to fully support the Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) standard
Sputnik MorphOS 2.0PPC02.06.2008MorphOSHPweb browser based on the KHTML rendering engine, it is the first MorphOS browser to fully support the Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) standard
SQL Lite 3.2.2PPC07.05.2006OpenSource an Embeddable SQL Database Engine
SQlite 3.6.1-amigaPPC
22.10.2008OpenSourceHPSQL database engine
SQlitequery 0.10PPC23.10.2008OpenSource example for using the sqlite3 library
SSHCON 50.20PPC16.01.2007FreewareHPSSH client, remote console, req. OpenSSH, PowerTerm
Starfighter 1.1PPC20.02.2009Freeware shot em up
Stargun 0.2PPC24.10.2005Freeware shot em up
Startup Prefs 1.26PPC18.01.2009Freeware GUI for startup-sequence and WBStartup administration
StatLine 0.16PPC09.02.2014FreewareHPshows different status information of your MorphOS
Stella 1.2PPC11.08.2002OpenSourceHPAtari 2600 VCS emulator
Stellarium 0.8.2PPC06.12.2006OpenSourceHPplanetarium
Step Ahead PPC12.07.2004FreewareHP3D demo, Harvester, Symphony 2004 (2.)
Stercus Accidit PPC02.09.2006FreewareHPdemo, FIT
STonAmiga 1.0PPC13.01.2004OpenSource Atari ST emulator, port StonX
Stone Beach 1.1PPC
09.11.2008FreewareHPa slide show created with Hollywood
Storm C PPC
 CommercialHPIntegrated Development Environment for AmigaOS, programming language C
StormWizard 2.268k CommercialHPGUI builder
strangé 0.23 FFR PescePallaPPC08.03.2008OpenSourceHPstrangé is strange, simple web browser
Stratagus 2.2.4PPC31.07.2009OpenSourceHPrealtime strategy game, Warcraftu clone (req. data from Warcraft)
Stream 5.6PPC29.02.2008OpenSourceHPde facto industry standard benchmark for measuring sustained memory bandwidth
StreamDraw 2.2PPC01.01.2013FreewareHPvector graphics editor
Subversion 1.5.2PPC16.09.2008OpenSourceHPrevision control system, successor to RCS/CVS
Sudoku 1.468k13.04.2006FreewareHPlogical game, sudoku, nice graphics
Sudoku Solver PPC06.04.2008OpenSource Sudoku solver with source
Sudominator 1.0PPC04.07.2011FreewareHPa program for automatic sudoku solving or assisting in manual solving. Sudoku is a popular, Japanese mathematic puzzle.
Sulaco PPC19.10.2002FreewareHP3D demo, Encore, Abstract 2002 (2.)
sunraster.decoder 51.5PPC25.12.2007FreewareHPthe class decodes SunRaster data used in Solaris Operating System, update for Reggae-D
sunraster.demuxer 51.1PPC25.12.2007FreewareHPThe class is a Reggae demultiplexer for SunRaster images, update for Reggae-D
Super Transball 2 1.4PPC28.02.2005OpenSource Thrust clone
SuperTux 0.1.3PPC FreewareHPSuperMario clone
SurfBoard 1.1.10PPC16.02.2005OpenSourceHPtrivial web server
SVGTools 1.04PPC16.03.2006OpenSource convert SVG to PDF, PS or PNG
SView5 2.7068k07.04.2009FreewareHPImage Viewing/Processing Package (since 2.63 - MorphOS Support removed, no more .elf modules included)
SweetKiss 1.268k23.03.2004FreewareHPviewer of Kisekae Set System sets, widely know as KiSS
swfdec_plugin 2.0PPC04.04.2013OpenSourceHPflash plugin for OWB browser (1.20 and newer)
swfdec_plugin 1.2PPC11.12.2009OpenSourceHPflash plugin for OWB browser (1.19 and older)
SWI Prolog 2.9.1068k19.05.1998Freeware programing language Prolog
SwitchPegMic 0.1PPC08.01.2006FreewareHPswitch between internal and external mic input
SymbolRechnen 2.0PPC
26.09.2011FreewareHPin the game you need to solve the puzzles by addition, subtractions , multiplications en divisions
sysflush 1.3PPC06.03.2012OpenSource CLI tool to flush unused libraries and devices, it can also act in background
SysInspector 1.468k13.02.1998Freeware system monitor
szip 1.12bPPC02.04.2007OpenSourceHPSZIP compression
szoom 1.1PPC08.07.2012FreewareHPfullscreen zoom utillity, usage: hold CTRL + mouse whell
Tales of Tamar 0.55R1PPC MorphOSHPonline strategy game
Tango Network 1.1868k03.03.2002Freeware Samba/smb-handler GUI
TAR 1.20PPC18.04.2008OpenSource GNU tar archiver
targa.decoder 51.5PPC26.06.2008FreewareHPReggae class, decodes targa pictures, update for Reggae-D
targa.demuxer 51.1PPC26.06.2008FreewareHPReggae demultiplexer for TARGA images, update for Reggae-D
TaskManager 50.11PPC21.08.2013MorphOSHPtask manager
TaskTree 1.1PPC14.02.2009FreewareHPprints a list of tasks showing parent-child relations
TDMPlayerGUI 0.11PPC25.12.2007FreewareHPsmall GUI interface for MPlayer, DVD support
Teeter Torture PPC25.08.2006OpenSourceHPsimple shooting game (similar to "Space Invaders", "Galaga" or "Galaxian"), but with a unique twist
TechnoBallz 0.92PPC29.09.2008OpenSourceHPArkanoid clone
Teksurator 0.85PPC28.11.2004FreewareHPprogram to texture and convert 3d object
Tennix 0.6.1PPC25.03.2008OpenSourceHPsimple tennis
TextDisplay 1.368k25.09.1999OpenSource fast MUI text viewer
TGEmu 1.4PPC26.08.2004OpenSourceHPTurboGraphX-16 and PC-Engine emulator
ThailandMOS PPC
16.01.2009FreewareHPThailand country for MorphOS and AmigaOS
THE 3.3B1PPC16.10.2008FreewareHPThe Hessling Editor, a free XEDIT clone, req. PowerSDL
The EFIKA Book 1.5 EN01.07.2007Freeware electronic book dedicated to the Efika 5200B motherboard from Genesi. It contains information about the Efika hardware, it's setup and it's supported operating systems (Linux distributions and MorphOS). (english version)
The EFIKA Book 1.1 CZ01.07.2007Freeware electronic book dedicated to the Efika 5200B motherboard from Genesi. It contains information about the Efika hardware, it's setup and it's supported operating systems (Linux distributions and MorphOS). (older czech version)
The EFIKA Book 1.5 FR01.07.2007Freeware electronic book dedicated to the Efika 5200B motherboard from Genesi. It contains information about the Efika hardware, it's setup and it's supported operating systems (Linux distributions and MorphOS). (french version)
The EFIKA Book 1.5 JP01.07.2007Freeware electronic book dedicated to the Efika 5200B motherboard from Genesi. It contains information about the Efika hardware, it's setup and it's supported operating systems (Linux distributions and MorphOS). (japanese version)
The EFIKA Book 1.5 PL01.07.2007Freeware electronic book dedicated to the Efika 5200B motherboard from Genesi. It contains information about the Efika hardware, it's setup and it's supported operating systems (Linux distributions and MorphOS). (polish version)
The EFIKA Book 1.4r2 IT Freeware electronic book dedicated to the Efika 5200B motherboard from Genesi. It contains information about the Efika hardware, it's setup and it's supported operating systems (Linux distributions and MorphOS). (italian version)
The EFIKA Book 1.4 SWE Freeware electronic book dedicated to the Efika 5200B motherboard from Genesi. It contains information about the Efika hardware, it's setup and it's supported operating systems (Linux distributions and MorphOS). (swedish version)
The EFIKA Book 1.5 EN flash01.07.2007Freeware electronic book dedicated to the Efika 5200B motherboard from Genesi. It contains information about the Efika hardware, it's setup and it's supported operating systems (Linux distributions and MorphOS).(english version)
The Feeble Files PPC28.06.2001MorphOSHPadventure game (MorphOS SuperBundle)
The Field Where I Died PPC14.09.1998FreewareHP3D demo, Venus Art, Intel Outside 1998 (2.)
The Goonies 1.0.1PPC13.02.2008OpenSourceHPAn SDL remake of the classic MSX game
The Legend of Edgar 1.03PPC01.09.2012OpenSourceHP2D platform game with adventure elements
The Pegasos Book 2.3 Vol 1 EN21.05.2007Freeware The Pegasos Book, Vol 1: Introduction and release notes - (PDF 135Kb, 9 pages)
The Pegasos Book 2.3 Vol 2 EN21.05.2007Freeware The Pegasos Book, Vol 2: Pegasos - (PDF 773Kb, 16 pages)
The Pegasos Book 2.3 Vol 3 EN21.05.2007Freeware The Pegasos Book, Vol 3: MorphOS - (PDF 2.1Mb, 92 pages)
The Pegasos Book 2.3 Vol 4 EN21.05.2007Freeware The Pegasos Book, Vol 4: Linux, MacOSX and other systems - (PDF 3.0Mb, 106 pages)
The Pegasos Book 2.3 All EN21.05.2007Freeware The Pegasos Book, All volumes: ZIP format 5.6Mb, 4 volumes, 223 pages (english version)
The Unbelievable Truth PPC FreewareHPdemo, mankind, Euskal 2000 (1.)
TheMPegEncGUI 2.6568k30.11.2007FreewareHPGUI for various MP3 encoders (MusicIn, Pegase, Ncode, Lame, BladeEnc, OggEnc, MP3Enc) - new version, see CodeAudio 3
Thttpd 2.25bPPC22.01.2007OpenSource HTTP server
Thttpd PHP 2.21bPPC23.02.2009OpenSourceHPHTTP server with PHP 4.4.9
Thumb 7.253PPC27.12.2006FreewareHPshows all pictures in a directory as thumbnails, double click on a thumbnail will start a utility (e.g. PicShow)
Thunder Slash PPC19.02.2006OpenSourceHPhorizontal shoot them up
TicTacToe 68k21.03.1995Freeware Tic Tac Toe
TicTacToe PPC26.10.2002OpenSource Tic Tac Toe, CLI
Tic-Tac-Toe PPC14.03.2003OpenSourceHPtic tac toe
tidy PPC02.08.2005OpenSourceHPclean up and fix your HTML-code
tiff2png 0.91PPC19.10.2004OpenSourceHPconverts images from TIFF to PNG format
Tile World 1.3.0PPC31.07.2006OpenSourceHPcollect chips to reach the exit
Till I Feel You 2.1PPC28.02.2003Freeware 3D demo, Madwizards
Time 1.1PPC19.02.2009FreewareHPreports the elapsed time from beginning to end of a program
TinyGL SDK PPC30.08.2005OpenSourceHPsubset of the OpenGL API
Titler PPC28.12.2005FreewareHPcreate 3D titles with TTF and LWobj support
Titler 2.0PPC21.01.2010FreewareHPpowerful animation creator
TKEd 1.1768k24.01.1994Freeware Intuition based ASCII editor
TKPlayer 1.568k10.10.2005Freeware AHI player supporting lots of formats (MP3, AIFF, WAV, MAUD, 8SVX, CDDA, RAW)
Toolbar Images PPC10.02.2006Freeware toolbar images for Ambient browser
Tooltype 1.4PPC06.03.2008FreewareHPmanages tooltypes of icon files via commandline
TopCPU 1.16PPC03.10.2006FreewareHPsmall CPU monitor (MUI) with freeze option
Torrent 0.8.2PPC18.08.2006OpenSource remove neighbouring tiles with same color
Toucan 0.23PPC02.03.2006Freeware picture viewer
Tower Toppler 1.1.6PPC20.02.2015OpenSourceHPNebulus remake
Trackdisk.device 41.3PPC21.08.2007OpenSourceHPPegasos floppy driver (PC HD 1,4MB)
Trailblazer 0.9PPC21.09.2005OpenSource Commodore and ZX-Spectrum game TrialBlazer remake
Trance 50.12PPC21.12.2006FreewareHPA new version of the Just-In-Time compiler for MorphOS 1.4.x. Fixes various smaller bugs, especially some which affected IBrowse.
Transfer 1.1PPC05.03.2011FreewareHPFTP client (MUI)
Transmission 0.6.1PPC21.07.2006OpenSourceHPtorrent client, CLI
Transpoclock 1.07PPC06.12.2004FreewareHPskinable transparent digital clock with reminder
Trilero PPC16.08.2003Freeware Trilero Simulator
TriMa PPC07.06.2004Freeware MorphOS skin
TriMagic 1.6PPC OpenSource logical game
TriMines 1.3.0PPC23.07.2006OpenSource logical game
Triton 2.0PPC20.02.2006OpenSourceHPTriton GUI creation system
True Combat 1.1PPC24.11.2004FreewareHP3D action game, Quake III MOD (total conversion), update 1.2
TTEngine 7.2PPC25.12.2005OpenSourceHPTrueType text rendering engine
Tubexx PPC23.10.2009OpenSource YouTube client, GUI
TuiTED 2.7b68k08.05.2005Freeware text Editor with syntax highlightning
TurboCalc 5 Demo68k21.04.1998Commercial spreadsheet
Tutris 1.0.1PPC30.10.2005Freeware Tetris clone
TuxMath 2005.3.7PPC22.03.2006OpenSourceHPTux, of Math Command: an educational math tutorial game
TuxPuck PPC OpenSourceHPtable tennis
TuxRacer 0.61PPC OpenSourceHPTux races down steep, snow-covered mountains
TVPaint 3.5968k FreewareHPbitmap graphics editor
Twin Distress 1.1.0PPC30.10.2005OpenSourceHPShisen-sho like puzzle game
TwinVNC 0.8 betaPPC26.05.2007FreewareHPVNC klient
Typo-AmIPlug 2.5PPC24.01.2009Freeware typo fixer plugin for AmIRC 3+
UADE 1.03PPC27.07.2005FreewareHPplays mods of all kinds
UAE 0.8.22PPC03.07.2003OpenSourceHPUbiquitous Amiga Emulator
UAE4ALL 2009-05-16PPC16.05.2009OpenSourceHPAmiga 500 emulator, faster than E-UAE (good for EFIKA 5200B)
uBee512 V5.6.0 R1.0PPC01.03.2015OpenSourceHPemulates the Microbee range of computers (1982-1987) from Applied Technology
UFO: Alien Invasion 2.2.1PPC28.02.2010OpenSourceHPstrategic game, UFO: Enemy Unkown style, ufoai-2.2.1-data.tar (372 MB)
UChess 2.89PPC17.09.2005OpenSource chess
Ularn PPC10.03.2005OpenSource Ultra Larn game
ungzip 1.2.4PPC OpenSourceHPungzip for MorphOS 1.4.x
UniLibDev 5.12PPC
14.10.2007Freeware Unicode code point/UTF-8 support lib
UnitControl 3.5PPC05.06.2011MorphOSHPIDE drivers list, control and configuration
UnLZX 2.16PPC15.08.2004OpenSource LZX dearchiver
29.12.2008OpenSourceHPRAR dearchiver
Upgrade or Restore Firmware and Hard Drive on Genesi Pegasos II 01.10.2004FreewareHPAN2801 : Upgrade or Restore Firmware and Hard Drive on Genesi Pegasos II (PDF, 16 pages, english)
Uptime 1.0PPC11.09.2009FreewareHPScreenbar-Plugin for MorphOS, displays the Systems Uptime in the screen title
Urban Terror 3.7PPC23.08.2005FreewareHP3D action game, Quake III MOD (total conversion)
URD 0.50 betaPPC10.10.2004Freeware Software RAID solution
usbboot 1.12PPC03.02.2008FreewareHPboot Pegasos from usb device or drawer
Using sim_G4plus on Genesi Pegasos II Rev. 101.01.2005FreewareHPAN2749 : Using sim_G4plus on Genesi Pegasos II (PDF, 32 pages, english)
vbcc 0.9bPPC05.08.2011FreewareHPoptimizing ISO C compiler (MorphOS ELF)
VCDGear 1.76PPC13.12.2006Freeware convert/extract/repair MPEG video + VCD
vdappc 1.3PPC06.04.2008OpenSource PowerPC disassembler
Vectoroids 1.1PPC16.09.2005FreewareHPAsteroids clone
VHI Studio 6.01 LitePPC08.07.2003MorphOSHPsoftware for basically all devices that can capture images
ViaRhine-WakeUp PPC11.11.2005Freeware this app kiss your onboard lan and wake it up
VICE 2.4PPC15.11.2012OpenSourceHPVersatile Commodore Emulator (C64, C128, VIC20, PET, PLUS4 and CBM-II)
Video Poker Solitarus PPC29.11.2008FreewareHPVideo Poker made by DanLabGames
VideoPokeri 1.02PPC18.09.2005Freeware poker
VIM 6.3.031PPC OpenSource text editor, CLI
VIM 6.068k04.01.2002OpenSource powerful text editor
Virtual Grand Prix 2 1.06PPC02.11.2005Freeware 3D racing game, req.
VirtualFloppy 1.068k24.12.1997Shareware virtual floppy (like FMS)
VirtualPaula 1.0PPC21.05.2005FreewareHPa simple mixer library for MorphOS meant to be used in mod player routines, used by soundmonplay.library
VirusKiller 0.9PPC01.11.2004OpenSourceHPnice shoot-em-up
VirusZ III 1.0268k14.08.2004FreewareHPantivirus Software
Visionary 0.24PPC16.09.2006FreewareHPTV application for analog TV-cards, req. Visionary SkinsTV
Visonary - SkinsTV PPC26.07.2001FreewareHPskins for Visionary
VisualBoyAdvance 1.7.2PPC02.05.2005OpenSourceHPGameboy, Gameboy Color and GBA emulator
VisualGuide 3.0PPC07.01.2005Freeware make filelist in AmigaGuide and HTML format, incl. name, lenght, version, date, time, comment, etc.
VLC 0.8.6f beta6PPC17.12.2008OpenSourceHPmultimedia player
vlink 1.2fPPC
14.07.2009OpenSourceHPa portable linker for multiple file formats
VNCServer 1.0 RC6PPC15.10.2010FreewareHPVNC Server for remote access to your MorphOS
vobTools 1.5PPC17.10.2004OpenSourceHPvobTools contains programs (vobinfo and videobits) which can manipulate MPEG2 VOB files, such as those found on a DVD
Vodovod PPC25.03.2008OpenSourceHPpipe game
Voodoo-X 1.568k02.07.2001Giftware Archive Management Tool, GUI
Voodoo-X 2.0 betaPPC10.01.2004OpenSource Archive Management Tool, GUI
VoR 0.5.3PPC05.06.2006OpenSourceHPVoR is a quick action game where you drive a space ship and try to avoid crashing into rocks
Vorbis Tools 1.2.0PPC09.07.2009OpenSourceHPplay, encode and manage Ogg Vorbis files
VorbisFile Library 3.2PPC22.09.2005Freeware shared library to read and write ogg vorbis files
Voxel Bird PPC FreewareHPVoxel-based casual game, somewhat "inspired" by some well-known Flappy game
Voyager 3 3.3125PPC23.12.2002MorphOS web browser, JavaScriptu, frames, SSL, Flash support
Wakkabox 1.1.0PPC20.01.2007OpenSourceHPWakkabox is a block puzzle game
WallGet 1.0PPC25.03.2005FreewareHPWGet based download manager
WAManager 1.1PPC15.03.2010FreewareHPan application to help you manage Picasa Web Albums
WarpBMPdt 45.7PPC
11.03.2011SharewareHPBMP datatype
WarpDTPrefs 45.5PPC
08.06.2011FreewareHPWarpDT preferences program
WarpJPEGdt 45.9PPC
29.02.2012SharewareHPJFIF-JPEG datatype
WarpPCXdt 45.5PPC
25.02.2011SharewareHPPCX datatype
WarpPNGdt 45.16PPC
03.03.2012SharewareHPPNG datatype
WarpPSDdt 45.5PPC
15.04.2011SharewareHPAdobe Photoshop PSD datatype
WarpTIFFdt 45.8PPC
06.03.2011SharewareHPTIFF datatype
Warzone 2100 2.0.8 RC1PPC19.11.2007OpenSourceHPrealtime war strategy
WBColumns 2.468k24.05.1994Freeware Tetris like WB game
WBRSS 1.068k12.03.2009FreewareHPread RSS News from your WorkBench/Ambient
WBSudoku 1.5.068k07.04.2008Freeware sudoku (1.51 was deleted from homepage)
WBTris 1.5468k25.04.1993Cardware a little Tetris clone to play on the workbench
webalizer 2.01-10PPC07.10.2004OpenSourceHPA web server log file analysis tool
Wetter 2.2PPC21.02.2011FreewareHPdesktop weather display client which uses
WF7 Mpeg PPC02.04.2005FreewareHPMPEG Saver and Loader for Wildfire 7, optimized for MorphOS
WGet 1.9.1PPC19.03.2004FreewareHPretrieve files over net via HTTP, HTTPS and FTP
Whirlgif 3.04PPC04.04.2005Freeware generates GIF animations
Who becomes Amiga guru? 1.1PPC01.01.2015Freeware In this game the player takes part in the fictitious tv game show "Who becomes Amiga guru?". There he has to prove his knowledge about Amiga, MorphOS and AROS. He gets help by different lifelines. If the player manages to achieve a score of 1,000,000 then he deserves the prestigious (?) title "Amiga guru". But be careful! Do not let the rude presenter insult you!

The game should work with every resolution, it scales automatically. But the best result should bring a full hd resolution (1920x1080).

Version 1.1:
- English translation added (the player can now switch between English and German)
- The game now runs "out of the box", i.e. you can start immediately after extracting the archive: all necessary libraries are included an preinstalled
- Media data is now compressed at a higher degree, so that that the game demands less space and RAM
- 30 new questions added

Wierd PPC29.09.2005OpenSourceHPWierd programming language
WiiLoader 1.1PPC02.03.2009FreewareHPNintendo Wii network loader utility
WildFire 7PPC Commercial image-processing-program, professional animation-processor with some really new concepts
Wipeout 1.33PPC15.06.2009OpenSource Debug tool for memory allocations
WipeOut 2097 DemoPPC06.09.1999Commercial 3D futuristic racing game (WipeoutLoader pro MorphOS)
WirelessDesktop PPC15.10.2011FreewareHPremote keyboard od mouse (from iOS or Android) for MorphOS, download via Grunch
Wolfenstein 3D PPC16.05.2004FreewareHP3D action game
WolfPac 3D 1.4PPC29.05.1998Shareware pacman 3D (shareware, but not limited in any way)
WolnyCD 1.2PPC
19.09.2005Freeware allows You to set read-speed of Your CD-ROM
WookieChat 2.11PPC31.01.2009Freeware IRC client
WookieChat 2.12 beta13PPC26.01.2010Freeware IRC client
Word Me Up XXL 1.1 DemoPPC11.11.2008CommercialHPcombines an arcade game with strategic thinking and memory skills
Workbench 3.9 Icons WB 3.9 PNG icons
World Construction Set 1.2668k13.07.1995Commercial terrain renderer
World Construction Set 2.0468k Commercial terrain renderer
WormWars 9.23PPC02.08.2020OpenSourceHPadvanced Tron or Snake-style arcade game for up to 4 simultaneous players
wvWare 0.7.2PPC09.05.2002Freeware convert Word docs to HTML, ASCII, LateX...
xadmaster 12.1a68k07.12.2003Freeware powerful unarchiving tool xadmaster key
X-Arc 1.3 Demo68k04.02.1999Shareware Archive Management Tool, GUI
XBaze 7.3.168k29.04.2005FreewareHPvery easy2use flexible and fast database
xdms 1.3.2PPC27.06.2006Freeware DMS disk image extractor
XInvaders3D 1.3.6PPC01.10.2005OpenSource vector graphics Space Invaders clone
XiPaint 468k02.04.1996Freeware bitmap graphics editor
xlhtml 0.5PPC13.02.2005OpenSourceHPconvert Excel/Powerpoint files to HTML
XLogical 1.0PPC26.10.2004OpenSourceHPLogical clone, 99 levels
XMasBench 0.3PPC
21.12.2003FreewareHPadds snow, decorations, xmas-tree to your Ambient
XML Viewer 0.16PPC28.05.2009FreewareHPXML viewer
X-Moto 0.5PPC26.02.2009OpenSourceHPa challenging 2D motocross platform game, where physics plays an all important role in the gameplay. You need to control your bike to its limits, if you want to have a chance to finish the most difficult challenges
xpdfTools 3.00PPC16.02.2005FreewareHPcollection of tools to manipulate PDF documents (pdftops, pdftotext, pdfinfo, pdffonts, pdftoppm, pdfimages)
X-Pired 1.22PPC12.09.2006OpenSourceHPaction puzzler: Find the exit!
XPK Master 5.2PPC20.07.2007OpenSourceHPXpkMaster library for MorphOS, req. XPK master user files
XPK User 5.2a68k11.12.2000FreewareHPcompression package
xpkBZP2 1.7PPC
05.03.2005Freeware bzip2 xpk compression library
xpk.demuxer 51.2PPC25.06.2009FreewareHPThis Reggae class adds transparent support for any data compressed with XPK
XRick PPC24.01.2005OpenSourceHPRick Dangerous clone
xsltproc PPC09.05.2008OpenSource XSLT processor, transform an XML file with an XSLT file
XWellTris 1.0.1PPC20.01.2007OpenSourceHP3D tetris
XWins 1.5268k05.02.1998Freeware 4Wins like WB game
Yacas 1.0.49PPC10.03.2002OpenSourceHPYet Another Computer Algebra System, Matlab like
Yafray PPC01.08.2006OpenSource Yet Another Free Raytracer, raytracing program (download PMI MorphUP only)
YAM 2.9p1PPC18.04.2014OpenSourceHPmail client (Yet Another Mailer)
YAM 2.10 Dev 190928PPC28.09.2019OpenSourceHPmail client (Yet Another Mailer), development version
YAM 2.10 Dev 190928 dbgPPC28.09.2019OpenSourceHPmail client (Yet Another Mailer), development debug version
Yamagi Quake II 4.90 (2012-12-07)PPC07.12.2012OpenSourceHPnative port of Yamagi Quake II, a lot of stuff has been rewritten, so it's more like a fork
Yellow Rose Of Texas PPC20.08.2003OpenSourceHP4k intro, FIT, Assembly 2003
Yellow Rose Of Texas TinyGLPPC09.06.2004OpenSourceHP4k intro, FIT
yyDecode 0.2.10PPC22.07.2007Freeware decode yEnc encoded file
Zapper 0.10PPC21.01.2005FreewareHPchange the behaviour of the zoom-button
Zip PPC17.12.2001Freeware ZIP archiver and dearchiver
zLib 1.2.3PPC28.12.2006OpenSourceHPcompression software from Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler, development files
ZoneXplorer 1.2PPC
15.11.2003Freeware modular, true color fractal explorer
ZoolIconPack very cool MorphOS Zool icons (Ambient, PNG)
Zoom 1.0PPC MorphOS magnify/zoom application
ZoomIt 1.2PPC
05.07.2011FreewareHPMUI-based magnify-zoom application
Zormanita 1.1PPC23.09.2012OpenSourceHPaudio format converter and audio processor, handles all audio formats supported by Reggae, also uses DSP modules provided by Reggae
zxscreen.decoder 51.3PPC19.06.2009FreewareHPReggae decoder for ZX Spectrum screen dumps in various formats, cooperates with zxscreen.demuxer
zxscreen.demuxer 51.3PPC24.04.2009FreewareHPReggae demultiplexer for ZX Spectrum screen dumps in different formats: raw, ZX Interface 1, ZX82 (Speculator)
194X 0.7bPPC FreewareHPshot em up
2 Pairs 2 Furious 2.068k21.02.2004Freeware logical game
2H4U 1.3PPC17.01.2008OpenSourceHP2H4U (Too Hard For You) is a mix between Tetris and a Wall Breaker game
236 PPC01.09.2006Freeware demo, Team Power Amiga
3dEner PPC04.07.2006FreewareHPplugin for players with AmigaAMP plugin interface (AmiNetRadio)
3Dto3D 3.1PPC29.05.2001Freeware convert between 3D formats
4p 0.09PPC05.11.2004Freeware bitmap graphics editor, DeluxePaint clone
4Wins 68k26.04.1992Freeware WB game - connect4 clone
521 68k13.08.1996Giftware friendly adaption of an ancient c64 game
54321 PPC22.02.2008OpenSourceHPfive classic puzzle games
7zip 4.42PPC30.07.2006FreewareHP7zip data compressor
7zUI 0.168k13.09.2006FreewareHPGraphical interface for 7-Zip archives

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Czech PowerPC User Group